首页> 外文期刊>TAO: Terrastrial, atmospheric, and oceanic sciences >Challenges in Measuring External Currents Driven by the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction

Challenges in Measuring External Currents Driven by the Solar Wind-Magnetosphere Interaction


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In studying the Earth's geomagnetism it has always been a challenge to separate the external currents originating from the ionosphere and magnetosphere. While the internal magnetic field changes very slowly in time scales of years and more, the ionospheric and magnetospheric current systems driven by the solar wind-magnetosphere interaction are very dynamic. They are intimately controlled by the ionospheric electrodynamics and ionosphere-magnetosphere coupling. Single spacecraft observations are not able to separate their spatial and temporal variations, and thus to accurately describe their configurations. To characterize and understand the external currents, satellite observations require both good spatial and temporal resolutions. This paper reviews our observations of the external currents from two recent Low Earth Orbit (LEO) satellite missions: Space Technology 5 (ST-5), NASA's first three-satellite constellation mission in LEO polar orbit and Communications/Navigation Outage Forecasting System (C/NOFS), an equatorial satellite developed by the US Air Force Research Laboratory. We present recommendations for future geomagnetism missions based on these observations.
机译:在研究地球的地磁时,将源于电离层和磁层的外部电流分开一直是一个挑战。尽管内部磁场在数年甚至更长的时间尺度上变化非常缓慢,但由太阳风-磁层相互作用所驱动的电离层和磁层电流系统却非常动态。它们受电离层电动力学和电离层-磁层耦合的密切控制。单个航天器的观测结果无法分离其空间和时间变化,因此无法准确描述其配置。为了表征和理解外部电流,卫星观测需要良好的空间和时间分辨率。本文回顾了我们对最近两次近地低轨道(LEO)卫星飞行任务的观测结果:太空技术5(ST-5),这是NASA在LEO极轨道进行的首个三颗卫星星座飞行任务,以及通信/导航中断预测系统(C / NOFS),是由美国空军研究实验室开发的赤道卫星。基于这些观察,我们为未来的地磁任务提出了建议。



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