首页> 外文期刊>TAO: Terrastrial, atmospheric, and oceanic sciences >Significance of prehistoric liquefaction features in the Xilinhot district, Inner Mongolia, Northern China

Significance of prehistoric liquefaction features in the Xilinhot district, Inner Mongolia, Northern China


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Paleo-ground ruptures, fissures, liquefaction and geomorphic features in the Xilinhot district, Inner Mongolia, northern China, are documented and seismic intensity for the meizoseismal areas and magnitudes of paleoearthquakes are estimated. Trenching investigations revealed a huge paleoseismic ground rupture and fissure zone with a width of more than 200 m. Field investigations and interpretation of remote sensing images demonstrate that active faults related to paleoearthquakes appear to be about 200 km long. Geologic and geomorphic evidences indicate that one large earthquake with a magnitude of about 7.5 at about 13 ka BP or multiple paleoseismic events of M ≥ 6.0 have occurred in the studied area since 53 ka BP. One of the paleo-meizoseismal areas is determined to be near Xilinhot. Seismic intensity in Modified Mercalli scale (MM) is estimated to be larger than VI in the vicinity of the study area and at least VIII in the epicentral region. This is consistent with seismic activities in and around the Xilinhot district in recent years, but higher than anything yet reported. The results provide important data for design engineering and regional planning in order to resist damage from potentially large earthquakes in the future.
机译:记录了中国北方内蒙古锡林浩特地区的古地破裂,裂缝,液化和地貌特征,并估算了中震带的地震烈度和古地震的强度。沟槽调查显示,一个巨大的古地震破裂和裂隙带,宽度超过200 m。实地调查和遥感图像解释表明,与古地震有关的活动断层似乎长约200公里。地质和地貌证据表明,自53 ka BP以来,研究区域发生了一次大地震,震级约为13 ka BP约7.5,或发生了多个M≥6.0的古地震事件。已确定古地震区之一在锡林浩特附近。在研究区域附近,修正的墨尔卡利刻度(MM)的地震强度估计大于VI,而在震中区域的地震强度至少大于VIII。这与近年来锡林浩特地区及其周围地区的地震活动是一致的,但高于尚未报道的任何地震活动。结果为设计工程和区域规划提供了重要数据,以抵抗未来可能发生的大地震的破坏。



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