首页> 外文期刊>TAO: Terrastrial, atmospheric, and oceanic sciences >Asian dust storm activity and its association with atmospheric circulation from 1995 to 2006

Asian dust storm activity and its association with atmospheric circulation from 1995 to 2006


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In this paper, Asian dust storm activity from 1995 to 2006 and the associated atmospheric circulation are examined using SYNOP data and the NCEP/NCAR reanalysis atmospheric data. Observations show that the Gobi Desert is the most frequent birthplace for severe dust events in Asia, accounting for approximately 58% of the total percentage, followed by about 32% from the Taklamakan Desert and nearly 10% from the Loess Plateau. Climatologically, the existence of a large-scale dry zone over mid-latitudes of Asia during the Spring provides a favorable environment for the frequent occurrences of dust events and subsequent dust transport across Asia. To provide a quantitative measure of Asian dust storm activity, a "dust activity index" (DAI) is defined in this study. The time series of yearly DAI shows that Asian dust storm activity manifested marked interannual variations during 1995 - 2006. For an active year such as 2001, the magnitude of DAI (26986) is about a factor of 5 - 6 larger than that in 1997 (4569). Our analyses show that such variations are closely connected to the position of EAT (East Asian Trough), rather than to its strength. In a year when the EAT was shifted westward (e.g., 2001), an east-west oriented low-high dipole appeared over Asia. This anomalous pressure dipole enhanced the prevailing northwesterly flows over Mongolia and northern China, resulting in a drier-than-normal atmosphere in favor of dust storm activity. On the contrary, in a year when the EAT was shifted eastward (e.g., 1997), a reverse dipole occurred, resulting in a wetter-than-normal atmosphere disfavoring dust storm activity. A SVD (singular value decomposition) analysis of the Asian synoptic circulation has shown that the connection between the pressure dipoles and the position of EAT is rather robust when dust storm activity is particularly strong (e.g., 2001, 2002, and 2006) or weak (e.g., 1997 and 1999). Analyzing a large number of trajectories derived from the NOAA HYSPLIT model further suggests that dust aerosols arisen from the Gobi Desert and the Loess Plateau are likely to propagate eastward along the strong westerly flows. On the contrary, easterly flows occurring over the Taklamakan Desert incline dust aerosols there to slow westward propagation. Different geographical locations relative to the mean circulation and topography effect are responsible for such different patterns.
机译:本文利用SYNOP数据和NCEP / NCAR再分析大气数据,研究了1995年至2006年的亚洲沙尘暴活动和相关的大气环流。观测表明,戈壁沙漠是亚洲发生严重尘埃事件最频繁的发源地,约占总数的58%,其次是塔克拉玛干沙漠约32%,黄土高原近10%。从气候学上讲,春季期间亚洲中纬度地区存在大规模的干旱带,为频繁发生的粉尘事件和随后的粉尘在整个亚洲的运输提供了良好的环境。为了提供对亚洲沙尘暴活动的定量度量,本研究定义了“沙尘活动指数”(DAI)。每日DAI的时间序列显示,1995年至2006年期间,亚洲沙尘暴活动表现出明显的年际变化。对于一个活跃的年份(例如2001年),DAI(26986)的幅度大约比1997年的5-6倍( 4569)。我们的分析表明,这种变化与EAT(东亚低谷)的位置密切相关,而不是其强度。在EAT向西转移的一年(例如2001年),在亚洲出现了东西向的低-高偶极子。这种异常的压力偶极子增强了蒙古和中国北部的西北风,造成了比平常干燥的大气,有利于沙尘暴活动。相反,在EAT向东移动的一年中(例如1997年),发生了一个反向偶极子,导致比正常湿润的大气不利于沙尘暴活动。对亚洲天气环流的SVD(奇异值分解)分析表明,当沙尘暴活动特别强(例如2001、2002和2006)或弱(例如2001年,2002年和2006年)时,压力偶极子与EAT位置之间的联系相当牢固。例如1997和1999年)。分析来自NOAA HYSPLIT模型的大量轨迹,进一步表明,来自戈壁沙漠和黄土高原的粉尘气溶胶很可能沿着强西风流向东传播。相反,在塔克拉玛干沙漠上空发生的向东流动使那里的粉尘气溶胶倾斜,从而减缓了向西传播。相对于平均环流和地形影响的不同地理位置是造成这种不同模式的原因。



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