首页> 外文期刊>TAO: Terrastrial, atmospheric, and oceanic sciences >Radio occultation retrieval of atmospheric profiles from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC mission: Early results

Radio occultation retrieval of atmospheric profiles from the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC mission: Early results

机译:从FORMOSAT-3 / COSMIC任务进行的无线电掩星探测大气剖面:早期结果

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Six identical micro-satellites of the FORMOSAT-3/COSMIC (Formosa Satellite #3 and Constellation Observing System for Meteorology. Ionosphere and Climate: FS-3/C) mission were successfully launched on 14 April 2006. The FS-3/C mission provides the first satellite constellation for monitoring global weather using the Global Positioning System (GPS) radio occultation (RO) technique. The mission's primary scientificific goal is to obtain near-real time profiles of the bending angle and refractivity in the neutral atmosphere and in the ionosphere. In April. 2007 the FS-3/C mission provide about RO soundings of 2000 atmospheric vertical profiles per day in a nearly uniform distribution around the globe. The lowest altitude penetration for more than 80% of RO soundings reached below 1 km in altitude. Most soundings have penetration below 800 m altitude in the equatorial region and below 200 m altitude in polar regions. The quality and accuracy of the RO sounding profiles are in good agreement with the CHAMP (CHAllenging Minisatellite Payload) RO soundings and direct measurements using dropsondes. The FS-3/C RO sounding observations are used to support operational global weather prediction. climate monitoring and research. space weather forecasting. and ionosphere and gravity research.
机译:2006年4月14日,成功发射了六颗相同的FORMOSAT-3 / COSMIC微卫星(福尔摩沙3号卫星和星座气象观测系统。电离层和气候:FS-3 / C)。FS-3 / C任务使用全球定位系统(GPS)无线电掩星(RO)技术提供了第一个用于监视全球天气的卫星星座。该任务的主要科学目标是获得中性大气和电离层的弯曲角和折射率的近实时曲线。在四月份。 2007年,FS-3 / C任务每天在全球范围内以近乎均匀的分布提供大约2000个大气垂直剖面的反渗透测深。超过80%的反渗透声的最低海拔穿透深度达到1公里以下。在赤道地区,大多数测深仪的渗透深度低于800 m,而在极地地区,大多数测深仪的渗透深度低于200 m。反渗透探测剖面的质量和准确性与CHAMP(挑战迷你卫星有效载荷)反渗透探测和直接使用探空仪进行测量非常吻合。 FS-3 / C RO探空观测数据用于支持全球天气预报业务。气候监测和研究。太空天气预报。电离层和重力研究。



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