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Observation of the relationship between the shape of skeletal muscles and their nerve distribution patterns: a transparent and microanatomic study.


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BACKGROUND: There are many gaps in the understanding of the neuroanatomy of skeletal muscles with regards to the nerve distribution pattern and shape of the muscles. This study was designed to examine the entire intramuscular nerve-distribution patterns of various human skeletal muscles. METHODS: The relationships among nine skeletal muscles with various architecture (rhomboid major, biceps brachii, flexor pollicis longus, rectus femoris, sternohyoid, trapezius, masseter, digastric muscles) and their nerve-distribution patterns were investigated in four fetal cadavers using the Sihler staining method. The diameter and number of extramuscular (main) and major nerve branches, the number of minor nerve branches, and anastomoses were examined and evaluated statistically. RESULTS: With regards to the number of extramuscular (main) nerve branches, the rhomboid major muscle resembled the flexor pollicis longus, trapezius, masseter, and sternohyoid muscles, and the anterior belly of the digastricus muscle (p >0.05), whereas it was significantly different from the rectus femoris, the posterior belly of digastricus, and the long and short heads of the biceps brachii (p < 0.05). Trapezius and masseter muscles were different from all of the skeletal muscles that were studied with regards to the diameter of main branches (p < 0.05). The masseter muscle had the largest diameter (p < 0.05). With regards to the number of minor nerve branches, the sternohyoid muscle was significantly different from all the skeletal muscles that were studied (p < 0.05) except the short head of the biceps brachii, rectus femoris, and the posterior belly of digastricus (p > 0.05). As for the number of neural anastomoses, the sternohyoid muscle was statistically different from all skeletal muscles that were studied (p < 0.05) except the masseter and trapezius muscles (p > 0.005). CONCLUSIONS: A surgeon's thorough knowledge of the relationship between the shape and nerve distribution pattern of skeletal muscles is important in successful reinnervation and regeneration of these muscles. It might also be useful in the field of muscle transplantation.
机译:背景:关于骨骼的神经分布模式和形状,人们对骨骼肌的神经解剖学的理解存在许多空白。本研究旨在检查各种人体骨骼肌的整个肌内神经分布模式。方法:使用Sihler染色法研究了四只胎儿尸体中九种不同结构的骨骼肌之间的关系(长菱形,肱二头肌,长屈肌,长直肌,股直肌,胸骨舌骨,斜方肌,咬肌,腹肌)及其神经分布方式。方法。检查并评估了肌外(主要)和主要神经分支的直径和数量,次要神经分支的数量和吻合口。结果:关于肌外(主要)神经分支的数量,菱形主要肌肉类似于长屈肌,斜方肌,咬肌和胸骨舌骨肌,以及腓肠肌前腹(p> 0.05),而与股直肌,胃后腹以及肱二头肌的长头和短头有显着差异(p <0.05)。斜方肌和咬肌与所有研究过的骨骼肌的主要分支直径不同(p <0.05)。咬肌最大直径(p <0.05)。就小神经支的数量而言,除了肱二头肌的短头,股直肌和腹股沟的后腹部外,胸骨舌骨肌与研究的所有骨骼肌均存在显着差异(p <0.05)。 0.05)。至于神经吻合的数量,除了舌肌和斜方肌(p> 0.005),胸骨舌骨肌与所有研究的骨骼肌(p <0.05)在统计学上是不同的。结论:外科医生对骨骼肌的形状和神经分布模式之间关系的透彻了解对于成功地重新支配和再生这些肌肉很重要。在肌肉移植领域也可能有用。



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