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Solar Basics/How Glass Fits into the Solar Market


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In just one hour's time, the amount of energy from the sun that shines upon the earth's surface exceeds the energy consumption of all of mankind in an entire year. The solar market has been growing at approximately 30 percent year-over-year for the past decade in an attempt to capture this renewable energy resource. As businesses look to recession-proof their operations, many are examining what role they can play in the solar boom. Understanding solar energy is perhaps the most difficult initial hurdle for any company trying to find its place in the market. To understand the business behind solar energy, it helps to first understand the different technologies involved. The phrase "solar energy" is a catch-all for several different types of technology that harness the sun's radiation and convert it to energy. At a first-level, energy producing1 solar can be broken down into two categories, photovoltaics (PV) and concentrating solar power (CSP).
机译:在短短一个小时的时间内,阳光照射到地球表面的能量就超过了整个人类一年的能量消耗。在过去的十年中,太阳能市场一直以每年约30%的速度增长,以试图捕获这种可再生能源。随着企业希望其业务免受衰退影响,许多企业正在研究他们在太阳能热潮中可以扮演什么角色。对于任何试图在市场上占有一席之地的公司来说,了解太阳能也许是最困难的初始障碍。要了解太阳能背后的业务,它有助于首先了解所涉及的不同技术。 “太阳能”一词是利用太阳辐射并将其转换为能量的几种不同类型技术的统称。在第一级,可以将产生能量的太阳能分为两类,即光伏(PV)和聚光太阳能(CSP)。



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