首页> 外文期刊>Psychoneuroendocrinology: An International Journal >Amplified behavioral and endocrine responses to forced swim stress in the Wistar-Kyoto rat.

Amplified behavioral and endocrine responses to forced swim stress in the Wistar-Kyoto rat.


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The Wistar Kyoto (WKY) rat may be a useful model for the study of depressive behavior because they exhibit exaggerated responses to a number of stressors. These studies compared the behavioral and endocrine responses to swimming stress in WKY rats with Sprague-Dawley (SD) rats. In the first experiment, the onset of behavioral immobility and the endocrine stress responses (adrenocorticotropin hormone (ACTH) and corticosterone (CORT)) were examined as the duration of a swimming session was increased. In the second experiment, WKY and SD rats were swum for 15 min, then sacrificed at different intervals after completion of the swim, to examine the time course of endocrine stress responses. The final experiment compared the suppression of ACTH and CORT secretion by dexamethasone of peak diurnal ACTH and CORT levels in WKY and SD rats. Behaviorally, the WKY rats displayed early and prolonged immobility compared to SD rats regardless of the length of the swim stress. Plasma CORT and ACTH increased in WKY and SD rats as the duration of the stressor lengthened. The swim stress (15 min) produced higher levels of ACTH and CORT secretion at the end of the stress interval that persisted after termination of the stressor in WKY compared to SD rats. Peak diurnal CORT levels, but not ACTH levels, were higher in WKY than in SD rats. Dexamethasone suppressed ACTH levels less in WKY than in SD rats. These results indicate that the WKY rat that displays increased behavioral immobility also demonstrates exaggerated secretion of stress hormones during swimming stress, and the results may be due, in part, to reduced sensitivity of glucocorticoid receptors that supply negative feedback to the hypothalamic-pituitary-adrenal axis. The exaggerated behavioral and endocrine stress responses in the WKY rat support its potential usefulness as a model for studying stress-evoked depressive behavior.
机译:Wistar Kyoto(WKY)大鼠可能是研究抑郁行为的有用模型,因为它们表现出对多种压力的过度反应。这些研究比较了WKY大鼠和Sprague-Dawley(SD)大鼠对游泳压力的行为和内分泌反应。在第一个实验中,随着游泳时间的延长,检查了行为不动的发作和内分泌应激反应(肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH)和皮质酮(CORT))。在第二个实验中,将WKY和SD大鼠游泳15分钟,然后在游泳结束后以不同的间隔处死,以检查内分泌应激反应的时间过程。最终实验比较了地塞米松对WKY和SD大鼠昼夜ACTH和CORT峰值水平的抑制作用。从行为上讲,无论游泳压力的长短如何,与SD大鼠相比,WKY大鼠均表现出早期和长期不动。随着应激源持续时间的延长,WKY和SD大鼠血浆CORT和ACTH升高。与SD大鼠相比,游泳应激(15分钟)在应激间隔结束时产生了更高水平的ACTH和CORT分泌,这种应激间隔在WKY中应激源终止后仍持续存在。 WKY的昼夜CORT峰值水平最高,但ACTH则没有,高于SD大鼠。地塞米松在WKY中抑制的ACTH水平低于SD大鼠。这些结果表明,表现出行为不动的WKY大鼠还表现出游泳压力期间压力激素的分泌过大,其结果可能部分归因于糖皮质激素受体的敏感性降低,该激素为下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺提供负反馈轴。 WKY大鼠行为和内分泌应激反应的夸张支持其潜在的有用性,作为研究应激诱发的抑郁行为的模型。



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