首页> 外文期刊>Psychoneuroendocrinology: An International Journal >Thyroid hormones and personality traits in attempted suicide.

Thyroid hormones and personality traits in attempted suicide.


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The research on thyroid hormones and personality traits is quite sparse and mainly focused on male forensic psychiatric populations in which the relationship between thyroid hormones and psychopathy and aggression-related personality traits has been reported. The suicidal temperament hypothesis suggests that certain personality traits such as aggression, anxiety proneness, impulsivity, and low socialization may render an individual vulnerable to the risk of suicide. The aim of this study was to investigate personality traits assessed by the Karolinska Scales of Personality (KSP) in relation to hormones in the hypothalamic-pituitary-thyroid (HPT) axis in 100 euthyroid suicide attempters. Standard multiple regression analyses were performed with TSH, T3, T4, and the T3/T4 ratio, respectively, as the dependent variable and KSP factors (Anxiety Proneness, Aggressiveness, and Impulsivity) and subscales (Detachment, Social Desirability, and Socialization) as independent variables. In men, but not in women, the regression model of the T3/T4 ratio was significant and the results suggested that high scores on Aggressiveness and low ones on Detachment were associated with a low T3/T4 ratio. These results indicate that HPT function may be related to Aggressiveness and Detachment in male suicide attempters.
机译:甲状腺激素和人格特质的研究很少,主要针对男性法医精神病人群,据报道,甲状腺激素与精神病和与攻击相关的人格特质之间的关系。自杀性气质假说表明,某些人格特质,例如攻击性,焦虑倾向,冲动性和低社会化程度,可能使一个人容易遭受自杀的危险。这项研究的目的是调查由Karolinska人格量表(KSP)评估的与100名甲状腺功能正常自杀未遂者下丘脑-垂体-甲状腺(HPT)轴上的激素相关的人格特质。分别以TSH,T3,T4和T3 / T4比作为因变量和KSP因子(焦虑倾向,攻击性和冲动性)以及分量表(分离,社交满意度和社交化)作为标准多元回归分析自变量。在男性而非女性中,T3 / T4比率的回归模型很显着,结果表明,积极性得分高和脱离团队得分低与T3 / T4比率低有关。这些结果表明,HPT功能可能与男性自杀未遂者的攻击性和分离有关。



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