首页> 外文期刊>Quantum Matter >Relativistic Nature of Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics and Multivariance in Space-Time Geometry

Relativistic Nature of Nonrelativistic Quantum Mechanics and Multivariance in Space-Time Geometry


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One uses the investigation strategy: "Find a mistake in foundation of physics and correct it." Two fundamental defects are corrected: (1) nonrelativistic concept of the particle state, (2) inadequacy of the differential geometry formalism at the metric approach to geometry. Usage of relativistic concept of the particle state admits one to create united formalism for description of deterministic and stochastic particles motion. The quantum mechanics is founded as a statistical description of the stochastic particles motion. Stochasticity of the quantum particles motion is explained by multivariance of the space-time geometry, which leads to the world lines wobbling of elementary particles. Relativistic concept of the particle state and the metric approach to the space-time geometry admit one to construct the skeleton conception of elementary particles. The skeleton conception admits one to investigate the arrangement of elementary particles (but not only to systamatize them, ascribing quantum numbers to them).



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