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Last Glacial Maximum sea surface temperature and sea-ice extent in the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean


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Sea surface temperatures and sea-ice extent are most critical variables to evaluate the Southern Ocean paleoceanographic evolution in relation to the development of the global carbon cycle, atmospheric CO2 and ocean-atmosphere circulation. Here we present diatom transfer function-based summer sea surface temperature (SSST) and winter sea-ice (WSI) estimates from the Pacific sector of the Southern Ocean to bridge a gap in information that has to date hampered a well-established reconstruction of the last glacial Southern Ocean at circum-Antarctic scale. We studied the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM) at the EPILOG time slice (19,000-23,000 calendar years before present) in 17 cores and consolidated our LGM picture of the Pacific sector taking into account published data from its warmer regions. Our data display a distinct east-west differentiation with a rather stable WSI edge north of the Pacific-Antarctic Ridge in the Ross Sea sector and a more variable WSI extent over the Amundsen Abyssal Plain. The zone of maximum cooling (>4 K) during the LGM is in the present Subantarctic Zone and bounded to its south by the 4 C isotherm. The isotherm is in the SSST range prevailing at the modern Antarctic Polar Front, representing a circum-Antarctic feature, and marks the northern edge of the glacial Antarctic Circumpolar Current (ACC). The northward deflection of colder than modern surface waters along the South American continent led to a significant cooling of the glacial Humboldt Current surface waters (4-8 K), which affected the temperature regimes as far north as tropical latitudes. The glacial reduction of ACC temperatures may also have resulted in significant cooling in the Atlantic and Indian Southern Ocean, thus enhancing thermal differentiation of the Southern Ocean and Antarctic continental cooling. The comparison with numerical temperature and sea-ice simulations yields discrepancies, especially concerning the estimates of the sea-ice fields, but some simulations reproduce well our proxy-based temperature data. (C) 2016 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:相对于全球碳循环,大气CO2和海洋-大气环流的发展,海面温度和海冰范围是评估南大洋古地理演化的最关键变量。在这里,我们介绍了基于硅藻传递函数的南海太平洋地区基于夏季海面温度(SSST)和冬季海冰(WSI)的估计,以弥合迄今已妨碍建立良好的海面重建信息的空白。最后一个南极冰河圈。我们在EPILOG时间段(目前是19,000-23,000个日历年)内研究了17个核心的最后一次冰川最大值(LGM),并考虑了来自较暖地区的已发布数据,巩固了我们对太平洋地区的LGM图片。我们的数据显示出明显的东西向差异,在罗斯海段的太平洋-南极岭以北,WSI边缘相当稳定,而在Amundsen Abyssal平原上,WSI范围变化较大。 LGM期间最大冷却区(> 4 K)在当前的亚南极带中,并由4 C等温线限制在其南部。等温线在现代南极极锋中占主导地位的SSST范围内,代表着一个南极洲特征,并且标志着冰川南极极地洋流(ACC)的北边缘。南美大陆比现代地表水更北偏北导致冰川洪堡洋流地表水(4-8 K)明显冷却,这影响了北至热带纬度的温度状况。 ACC温度的冰川下降也可能导致大西洋和印度南部海洋的明显降温,从而增强了南洋和南极大陆降温的热分异。与数值温度和海冰模拟的比较会产生差异,特别是在海冰场的估计方面,但是有些模拟很好地再现了我们基于代理的温度数据。 (C)2016 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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