首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Review Journal >Quaternary geology of the Duck Hawk Bluffs, southwest Banks Island, Arctic Canada: a re-investigation of a critical terrestrial type locality for glacial and interglacial events bordering the Arctic Ocean

Quaternary geology of the Duck Hawk Bluffs, southwest Banks Island, Arctic Canada: a re-investigation of a critical terrestrial type locality for glacial and interglacial events bordering the Arctic Ocean


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Duck Hawk Bluffs, southwest Banks Island, is a primary section (8 km long and 60 m high) in the western Canadian Arctic Archipelago exposing a long record of Quaternary sedimentation adjacent to the Arctic Ocean. A reinvestigation of Duck Hawk Bluffs demonstrates that it is a previously unrecognized thrustblock moraine emplaced from the northeast by Laurentide ice. Previous stratigraphic models of Duck Hawk Bluffs reported a basal unit of preglacial fluvial sand and gravel (Beaufort Fm, forested Arctic), overlain by a succession of three glaciations and at least two interglacials. Our observations dismiss the occurrence of preglacial sediments and amalgamate the entire record into three glacial intervals and one prominent interglacial. The first glacigenic sedimentation is recorded by an ice-contact sandur containing redeposited allochthonous organics previously assigned to the Beaufort Fm. This is overlain by fine-grained sediments with ice wedge pseudomorphs and well-preserved bryophyte assemblages corresponding to an interglacial environment similar to modern. The second glacial interval is recorded by ice-proximal mass flows and marine rhythmites that were glacitectonized when Laurentide ice overrode the site from Amundsen Gulf to the south. Sediments of this interval have been reported to be magnetically reversed (>780 ka). The third interval of glacigenic sedimentation includes glacifluvial sand and gravel recording the arrival of Laurentide ice that overrode the site from the northeast (island interior) depositing a glacitectonite and constructing the thrust block moraine that comprises Duck Hawk Bluffs. Sediments of this interval have been reported to be magnetically normal (<780 ka). The glacitectonite contains a highly deformed melange of pre-existing sediments that were previously assigned to several formally named, marine and interglacial deposits resting in an undeformed sequence. In contrast, the tectonism associated with the thrust block moraine imparted pervasive deformation throughout all underlying units, highlighted by a previously unrecognized raft of Cretaceous bedrock. During this advance, Laurentide ice from the interior of Banks Island coalesced with an ice stream in Amundsen Gulf, depositing the interlobate Sachs Moraine that contains shells as young as ~24 cal ka BP (Late Wisconsinan). During deglaciation, meltwater emanating from these separating ice lobes deposited outwash that extended to deglacial marine limit (11 m asl) along the west coast of Banks Island. Our new stratigraphic synthesis fundamentally revises and simplifies the record of past Quaternary environments preserved on southwest Banks Island, which serves as a key terrestrial archive for palaeoenvironmental change.
机译:班克斯岛西南部的达克·霍夫布拉夫斯(Duck Hawk Bluffs)是加拿大西部北极群岛的主要部分(长8公里,高60 m),显示了北冰洋附近第四纪沉积的长期记录。对Duck Hawk Bluffs的再研究表明,它是劳伦代德(Laurentide)冰从东北向东北放置的推力冰un。先前的Duck Hawk Bluffs地层模型报道了冰川前河床砂砾的基本单位(Beaufort Fm,北极森林),上面覆盖着连续的三个冰川和至少两个间冰层。我们的观察消除了前冰期沉积物的发生,并将整个记录合并为三个冰期和一个突出的冰间期。最初的冰川成因是由冰接触的桑杜尔记录的,该桑杜尔包含先前已分配给Beaufort Fm的再沉积的异源有机物。上面覆盖着细粒度的沉积物,这些沉积物具有冰楔状的假晶形和保存完好的苔藓植物群,与类似现代的冰川环境相对应。第二个冰期间隔是由洛朗特冰盖过从阿蒙森湾至南部的地点时近冰体质量流和海洋节律而记录的。据报道,这个间隔的沉积物被磁性反转(> 780 ka)。第三个冰川成因沉积期包括冰川流砂和砾石,记录了Laurentide冰的到来,Laurentide冰从东北(岛内)覆盖了该地点,沉积了一块水滑石,并构造了由Duck​​ Hawk Bluffs组成的逆冲冰m。据报道,这一间隔的沉积物在磁性上是正常的(<780 ka)。闪锌矿包含高度变形的既有沉积物,这些沉积物以前被分配给了几处以未变形的顺序排列的正式命名的海洋和冰间沉积物。相反,与推力块冰ora有关的构造作用使所有下伏单元普遍变形,这一点在以前未被认识的白垩纪基岩筏中尤为突出。在这一进展过程中,班克斯岛内部的洛朗泰德冰与阿蒙森海湾的冰流合并,沉积了叶片间的萨克斯冰a,其中的壳龄低至约24 cal ka BP(威斯康星州晚期)。在冰消冰期间,从这些分离的冰瓣中散发出来的熔体水冲刷出沉积物,并沿班克斯岛西海岸延伸至冰河海洋界限(11 m asl)。我们新的地层综合方法从根本上修订并简化了西南班克斯岛保存的过去第四纪环境的记录,该记录是古环境变化的重要陆地档案。



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