首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Review Journal >Middle to Late Pleistocene ice extents, tephrochronology and paleoenvironments of the White River area, southwest Yukon

Middle to Late Pleistocene ice extents, tephrochronology and paleoenvironments of the White River area, southwest Yukon


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Sedimentary deposits from two Middle to Late Pleistocene glaciations and intervening non-glacial intervals exposed along the White River in southwest Yukon, Canada, provide a record of environmental change for much of the past 200000 years. The study sites are beyond the Marine Isotope stage (MIS) 2 glacial limit, near the maximum regional extent of Pleistocene glaciation. Non-glacial deposits include up to 25m of loess, peat and gravel with paleosols, pollen, plant and insect macrofossils, large mammal fossils and tephra beds. Finite and non-finite radiocarbon dates, and twelve different tephra beds constrain the chronology of these deposits. Tills correlated to MIS 4 and 6 represent the penultimate and maximum Pleistocene glacial limits, respectively. The proximity of these glacial limits to each other, compared to limits in central Yukon, suggests precipitation conditions were more consistent in southwest Yukon than in central Yukon during the Pleistocene. Conditions in MIS 5e and 5a are recorded by two boreal forest beds, separated by a shrub birch tundra, that indicate environments as warm or warmer than present. A dry, treeless steppe-tundra, dominated by Artemisia frigida, upland grasses and forbs existed during the transition from late MIS 3 to early MIS 2. These glacial and non-glacial deposits constrain the glacial limits and paleoenvironments during the Middle to Late Pleistocene in southwest Yukon.
机译:在加拿大育空地区西南部怀特河沿线的两次中更新世晚期冰川沉积和中间的非冰川间隔沉积,为过去200000年的大部分时间里环境变化提供了记录。研究地点超出海洋同位素阶段(MIS)2冰期限制,接近更新世冰川作用的最大区域范围。非冰川沉积物包括多达25m的黄土,泥炭和碎石以及古土壤,花粉,植物和昆虫的大化石,大型哺乳动物化石和特非拉河床。有限的和非限定的放射性碳年代,以及十二个不同的特非拉床限制了这些矿床的年代。与MIS 4和MIS 6相关的耕作分别代表倒数第二和最大更新世冰川极限。与育空地区中部的限制相比,这些冰川界限彼此之间的接近性表明,在更新世期间,育空地区西南部的降水条件比育空地区中部更为一致。 MIS 5e和5a中的状况由两个北方森林床记录,两个北方森林床被灌木桦苔原隔开,表明环境比现在温暖或温暖。从MIS 3晚期到MIS 2早期的过渡期,存在着干燥的,无树的草原冻原,主要由冷蒿,高地草和草形成。这些冰川和非冰川沉积物限制了中新世至晚更新世的冰川界限和古环境。育空地区西南。



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