首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Review Journal >Ikaite precipitation in a lacustrine environment - implications for palaeoclimatic studies using carbonates from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina)

Ikaite precipitation in a lacustrine environment - implications for palaeoclimatic studies using carbonates from Laguna Potrok Aike (Patagonia, Argentina)

机译:湖泊环境中的岩盐酸盐沉淀-使用来自Laguna Potrok Aike(阿根廷巴塔哥尼亚)的碳酸盐的古气候研究意义

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The monoclinic mineral ikaite (CaCO_3 · 6H_2O) and its pseudomorphs are potentially important archives for palaeoenvironmental reconstructions. Natural ikaite occurs in a small temperature range near freezing point and is reported mainly from marine and only rarely from continental aquatic environments. Ikaite transforms to more stable anhydrous forms of CaCO_3 after an increase in temperature or when exposed to atmospheric conditions. The knowledge about conditions for natural ikaite formation, its stable isotope fractionation factors and isotopic changes during transformation to calcite is very restricted. Here, for the first time, primary precipitation of idiomorphic ikaite and its calcite pseudomorphs are reported from a subsaline lake, Laguna Potrok Aike, in southern Argentina. The calculated stable oxygen isotope fractionation factor between lake water and ikaite-derived calcite (α_(PAI)=1.0324 at a temperature of 4.1°C) is close to but differs from that of primarily inorganically precipitated calcite. Pseudomorphs after ikaite rapidly disintegrate into calcite powder that is indistinguishable from μm-sized calcite crystals in the sediment record of Laguna Potrok Aike suggesting an ikaite origin of sedimentary calcites. Therefore, the Holocene carbonates of Laguna Potrok Aike have the potential to serve as a recorder of past hydrological variation.
机译:单斜矿物方解石(CaCO_3·6H_2O)及其假晶型是古环境重建的潜在重要档案。天然ikaite发生在冰点附近的一个小温度范围内,主要报道于海洋,很少见于大陆水生环境。在温度升高或暴露于大气条件下,岩盐石转变为更稳定的无水CaCO_3形式。关于天然方解石形成条件,其稳定的同位素分馏因子和方解石转化过程中同位素变化的知识非常有限。在这里,首次从阿根廷南部的一个亚盐湖Laguna Potrok Aike报道了独特的方解石方解石及其方解石假晶的初次沉淀。计算得出的湖水和源自方解石的方解石之间的稳定氧同位素分馏因子(温度为4.1°C,α_(PAI)= 1.0324)与主要由无机沉淀的方解石近似但不同。在拉古纳·波特罗克·艾克(Laguna Potrok Aike)的泥沙记录中,斑岩石化后的假晶迅速分解为方解石粉末,与μm大小的方解石晶体没有区别,表明沉积方解石是斑岩化石的起源。因此,Laguna Potrok Aike的全新世碳酸盐有可能成为过去水文变化的记录者。



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