首页> 外文期刊>Ultraschall in der Medizin: Organ der Deutschen Gesellschaft fu?r Ultraschall in der Medizin, [der] O?sterreichischen Gesellschaft fu?r Ultraschall in der Medizin, [der] Schweizerischen Gesellschaft fu?r Ultraschall in Medizin und Biologie >Effect of noninvasive first trimester diagnosis on indications and results of chorion villi sampling [Einfluss der nicht invasiven Ersttrimester-Diagnostik auf Indikationen und Ergebnisse der Chorionzottenbiopsien]

Effect of noninvasive first trimester diagnosis on indications and results of chorion villi sampling [Einfluss der nicht invasiven Ersttrimester-Diagnostik auf Indikationen und Ergebnisse der Chorionzottenbiopsien]


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Aim: In this explorative study it should be evaluated how the introduction of non invasive first trimester diagnosis (nuchal translucency measurement, Combined Test, first trimester ultrasound screening) has influenced the indications and cytogenetic results of chorion villi samplings. Materials and methods: Between 1989 and 2008 3337 pregnancies with CVS between 11 and 14 weeks of gestation were examined retrospectively. They were divided in two groups: CVS 1989 - 2001 before introduction of non invasive first trimester diagnosis (n = 1698) and CVS 2002 - 2008 after introducing non invasive testing at the end of 2001 (n = 1639). In both groups the indications for CVS (maternal age, sonographic findings, past history, maternal anxiety, and abnormal results of the Combined Test only in the second group) and the cytogenetic results were evaluated. Results: In the first group (1989 - 2001, n = 1698) 85,6% (n = 1454) of all CVS were performed because of maternal age and only 3% (n = 51) due to sonographic findings. In the second group (2002 - 2008, n = 1639) there was a distinct increase of sonographic findings leading to CVS (33,9%, n = 555) with a clear decrease of maternal age to 37,9% (n = 621). Abnormal cytogenetic results were found in 10,5% (n = 172) in the second group, in the first group only in 4,5% (n = 76), respectively. The parameter with the highest rate of chromosomal disorders was fetal hydrops (66,1%), follwed by hygroma colli (48,2%), malformations (12,9%) and increased nuchal translucency (11,2%). Regarding maternal age alone the rate of abnormal chromosomes was 3,1%. Conclusions: It could be shown that non invasive first trimester diagnosis has lead to a more specific indication for invasive fetal testing (sonographic findings 33,9 vs. 3%, maternal age 37,9 vs. 85,6%) with a higher rate of chromosomal disorder in this group (10,5 vs. 4,5%).
机译:目的:在这项探索性研究中,应评估无创孕早期诊断(颈部半透明测量,联合检测,孕早期超声筛查)的引入如何影响绒毛膜绒毛取样的适应症和细胞遗传学结果。材料和方法:回顾性分析了在1989年至2008年之间妊娠11至14周的3337例CVS妊娠。将它们分为两组:在引入无创性早孕诊断之前的CVS 1989-2001(n = 1698)和在2001年底引入无创性测试之后的CVS 2002-2008(n = 1639)。两组均评估了CVS的指征(母亲的年龄,超声检查结果,既往史,母亲的焦虑以及仅在第二组中联合测试的异常结果)和细胞遗传学结果。结果:在第一组(1989年至2001年,n = 1698)中,由于产妇年龄而进行了所有CVS的85.6%(n = 1454),而由于超声检查发现只有3%(n = 51)。在第二组(2002年至2008年,n = 1639)中,导致CVS的超声检查结果明显增加(33,9%,n = 555),孕产妇年龄明显减少至37.9%(n = 621)。 )。第二组的细胞遗传结果异常,分别为10.5%(n = 172),第一组的细胞遗传学结果仅为4.5%(n = 76)。染色体疾病的发生率最高的参数是胎儿积液(66,1%),潮湿病(48,2%),畸形(12.9%)和颈部半透明性增加(11,2%)。仅就产妇年龄而言,异常染色体的发生率为3.1%。结论:可以证明,非侵入性的早孕诊断已为侵入性胎儿检测提供了更具体的指征(超声检查结果为33,9 vs. 3%,产妇年龄为37,9 vs. 85.6%),发生率更高。该组中的染色体疾病的发生率(10,5比4.5%)。


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