首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Review Journal >High resolution Lateglacial and early-Holocene summer air temperature records from Scotland inferred from chironomid assemblages

High resolution Lateglacial and early-Holocene summer air temperature records from Scotland inferred from chironomid assemblages


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Lateglacial and early-Holocene mean July air temperatures have been reconstructed, using a chironomid-based inference model, from lake-sediment sequences from Abernethy Forest, in the eastern Highlands of Scotland, and Loch Ashik, on the Isle of Skye in north-west Scotland. Chronology for Abernethy Forest was derived from radiocarbon dates of terrestrial plant macrofossils deposited in the lake sediments. Chronology for Loch Ashik was derived from tephra layers of known ages, the first age-depth model of this kind. Chironomid-inferred temperatures peak early in the Lateglacial Interstadial and then gradually decline by about 1 °C to the beginning of the Younger Dryas (YD). At Abernethy Forest, the Lateglacial Interstadial is punctuated by three centennial-scale cold oscillations which appear to be synchronous with the Greenland Interstadial events GI-1d, when temperatures at Abernethy fell by 5.9 °C, GI-1c, when temperatures fell by 2.3 °C, and GI-1b, when temperatures fell by 2.8 °C. At Loch Ashik only the oscillation correlated with GI-1d is clearly defined, when temperatures fell by 3.8 °C. The start of the YD is clearly marked at both sites when temperatures fell by 5.5 °C at Abernethy Forest and 2.8 °C at Loch Ashik. A warming trend is apparent during the late-YD at Abernethy Forest but at Loch Ashik late-YD temperatures became very cold, possibly influenced by its close proximity to the Skye ice-field. The rapidly rising temperatures at the YD - Holocene transition occur about 300 years earlier at both sites than changes in sediment lithology and loss-on-ignition. The temperature trends at both sites are broadly similar, although between-site differences may result from the influence of local factors. Similar climate trends are found at other sites in the northern British Isles. However, the British summer temperature records differ in detail from trends in the oxygen-isotope records from the Greenland ice-cores and from other chironomid-inferred temperature records available from Scandinavia, north-west Europe and central Europe, which suggest important differences in the influence of climatic forcing at regional scales.
机译:使用基于尺虫的推论模型,从苏格兰东部高地的Abernethy森林和西北部的斯凯岛的湖阿希克湖中沉积序列,重建了晚冰川和全新世初期的平均气温苏格兰。 Abernethy森林的年代学是根据沉积在湖泊沉积物中的陆地植物大型化石的放射性碳数据得出的。阿希克湖的年代学起源于已知年龄的提菲拉层,这是第一个这种年龄深度的模型。 Chironomid推断的温度在晚冰川期早间达到峰值,然后逐渐下降约1°C到Younger Dryas(YD)的起点。在Abernethy森林,晚冰期星际被三个百年尺度的冷振荡打断,这似乎与格陵兰星际事件GI-1d同步,当时Abernethy的温度下降5.9°C,GI-1c,温度下降2.3°C。 C和GI-1b,温度下降2.8°C。当温度下降3.8°C时,在阿希克湖(Loch Ashik)仅清楚定义了与GI-1d相关的振荡。在两个站点上,当Abernethy Forest的温度下降5.5°C,Loch Ashik的温度下降2.8°C时,YD的起点都清晰地标出。在亚伯尼西森林(Abernethy Forest)的YD后期,变暖趋势很明显,但在Loch Ashik,YD的后期温度变得很冷,这可能是由于它靠近斯凯冰原的缘故。在YD-全新世过渡期,两个地点的温度迅速升高,比沉积物岩性和着火损失的变化要早300年。两个站点的温度趋势大致相似,尽管站点间的差异可能是由于本地因素的影响而导致的。在不列颠群岛北部的其他地方也发现了类似的气候趋势。但是,英国夏季温度记录与格陵兰冰芯的氧同位素记录趋势以及斯堪的纳维亚半岛,西北欧和中欧可获得的其他按尺数推断的温度记录在细节上有所不同,这表明该地区的重要差异。气候强迫在区域尺度上的影响。



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