首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Review Journal >Quaternary fluvial and eolian deposits on the Belan river, India: paleoclimatic setting of Paleolithic to Neolithic archeological sites over the past 85,000 years

Quaternary fluvial and eolian deposits on the Belan river, India: paleoclimatic setting of Paleolithic to Neolithic archeological sites over the past 85,000 years


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Archeological sites in the bedrock Belan Valley at the southern margin of the Ganga Plains of India have unearthed Paleolithic to Neolithic artifacts and the first known evidence for rice cultivation. We present a sedimentological and paleoclimatic analysis for Belan sections, incorporating new luminescence and radiocarbon dates and a compilation of previous research. Some 20 m of strata are exposed in fluvial terraces, commencing with pedogenic and channel calcretes linked to groundwater ponding on the underlying bedrock. Overlying alluvium deposited from mixed-load meandering rivers yields dates between 85 +/- 11 and 72 +/- 8 kyr before present (BP), implying sustained fluvial activity during Marine Isotope Stage 5 and later; these strata contain Middle Paleolithic artifacts. Thin reworked gravels with Upper Paleolithic artifacts are dated at similar to 21-31 kyr BP, and may represent declining alluviation and floodplain gully erosion during reduced monsoonal activity around the Last Glacial Maximum (LGM). Younger channel fills contain shell-rich eolian sand, and mounds of shelly sand lie inland from the river. Five OSL dates from the sands span 14 to 7 kyr BP, corresponding to a period of climatic instability that includes the Younger Dryas as the monsoon intensified following the LGM. Although suggesting more and phases, the source-bordering eolian material has a small volume and the grains are partially bleached, indicating local wind action. Overlying floodplain muds reflect renewed alluviation, after which the river incised during peak monsoon flow. The Mesolithic settlement of Chopani-Mando spans a period of reduced monsoon activity and climatic instability following the LGM. Subsequent Neolithic settlements were probably established under stronger monsoon conditions suitable for the development of agriculture. Mesolithic habitation may have ended when a nearby bedrock channel was abandoned as the reinvigorated Belan cut a new course, along which Neolithic settlements were later established. (C) 2007 Elsevier Ltd. All rights reserved.
机译:在印度恒河平原南部边缘的基岩Belan山谷中,考古遗址出土了旧石器时代至新石器时代的文物,也是最早的水稻种植证据。我们介绍了贝兰部分的沉积学和古气候分析,并结合了新的发光和放射性碳数据以及以前的研究成果。约20 m的地层暴露于河流阶地,始于与下伏基岩上的地下水相连的成岩和沟渠碎屑。从混合负荷曲折河中沉积的上冲积层,在存在前(BP)的日期介于85 +/- 11至72 +/- 8 kyr之间,这意味着在海洋同位素第5阶段及以后阶段,河流活动持续;这些地层包含中旧石器时代的文物。带有上旧石器时代文物的重造薄砂砾的年代与21-31年BP相似,并且可能代表在上一次冰期最大值(LGM)前后季风活动减少期间冲积和洪泛区的沟壑侵蚀减少。较年轻的河道填充物含有富含贝壳的风积沙,成堆的贝壳状沙粒位于河的内陆。 5个OSL日期从沙土跨度为14到7 yr BP,对应于一个气候不稳定时期,其中包括LGM之后季风增强而引起的Younger Dryas。尽管暗示了更多的阶段,但源边界风积物质的体积较小,且颗粒被部分漂白,表明存在局部风作用。漫滩平原上的泥浆反映了新的冲积作用,此后在季风高峰期河流切入。 LGM之后,Chopani-Mando的中石器时代经历了季风活动减少和气候不稳定的时期。随后的新石器时代聚落可能是在更强的季风条件下建立的,适合农业发展。当重新焕发活力的贝兰(Belan)开辟一条新的航道,后来沿此建立了新石器时代的定居点时,附近的基岩河道被废弃了,中石器时代的居住可能已经结束。 (C)2007 Elsevier Ltd.保留所有权利。



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