首页> 外文期刊>Quaternary Science Reviews: The International Multidisciplinary Review Journal >Submarine landforms and ice-sheet flow in the Kvit?ya Trough, northwestern Barents Sea

Submarine landforms and ice-sheet flow in the Kvit?ya Trough, northwestern Barents Sea


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High-resolution geophysical and sediment core data are used to investigate the pattern and dynamics of former ice flow in Kvit?ya Trough, northwestern Barents Sea. A new swath-bathymetric dataset identifies three types of submarine landform in the study area (streamlined landforms, meltwater channels and cavities, iceberg scours). Subglacially produced streamlined landforms provide a record of ice flow through Kvit?ya Trough during the last glaciation. Flow directions are inferred from the orientations of streamlined landforms (drumlins, crag-and-tail features). Ice flowed northward for at least 135 km from an ice divide at the southern end of Kvit?ya Trough. A large channel-cavity system incised into bedrock in the southern trough indicates that subglacial meltwater was present at the former ice-sheet base. Modest landform elongation ratios and a lack of mega-scale glacial lineations suggest that, although ice in Kvit?ya Trough was melting at the bed and flowed faster than the likely thin and cold-based ice on adjacent banks, a major ice stream probably did not occupy the trough. Retreat was relatively rapid after 14-13.5 ~(14)C kyr B.P. and probably progressed via ice sheet-bed decoupling in response to rising sea level. There is little evidence for still stands during ice retreat or of ice-proximal deglacial sediments. Relict iceberg scours in present-day water depths of more than 350 m in the northern trough indicate that calving was an important mass loss mechanism during retreat.
机译:高分辨率的地球物理和沉积物核心数据用于调查巴伦支海西北部Kvit?ya海槽中以前冰流的模式和动力学。一个新的条幅测深数据集可以识别研究区域中的三种海底地形(流线型地形,融水通道和空洞,冰山冲刷)。在最后一次冰川融化过程中,冰川下生产的流线型地形记录了冰流过Kvit?ya槽的情况。从流线型的地貌(鼓状石块,尾巴特征)的方向可以推断出水流方向。冰从Kvit?ya槽南端的冰道向北流动至少135公里。切入南部海槽基岩中的大型河道系统表明,在前冰盖底部存在冰下融水。适度的地貌延伸率和缺乏大型冰川界线表明,尽管科维蒂亚海槽中的冰在河床处融化,并且流动的速度比相邻河岸上可能存在的稀薄和冷基冰要快,但主要的冰流却可能没有占据低谷。在14-13.5〜(14)C沸点B.P.之后退缩相对较快。并可能因冰层与海平面上升的脱钩而发展。几乎没有证据表明在退冰或静止的近冰期冰期沉积物时静止。如今,北槽中超过350 m的水深处的残骸冰山冲刷表明,产犊是撤退过程中重要的质量损失机制。



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