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Saving the World One Patient at a Time:Psychoanalysis and Social Critique


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In contrast to its revolutionary beginnings, the psychoanalytic discourse has abandoned its potential as a critical, dissident force in contemporary life. It is imperative, in our efforts to engage in socially responsible clinical practice, that we restore the sociocritical function to our professional mandate, and that we apply such critique to our symbiosis with the dominant organizing social and economic order. In our close encounter with the tragedies and profundities of the human subject, we are uniquely poised to inhabit a critical, dissident and ardent sensibility in relation to the larger political world. Our immersion in human subjectivity makes possible a vivid and poignant perspective on human experience in contemporary life, and yet our valorization of the subjective and the individual, and our difficulty looking beyond the dyad as the site of human suffering and human transformation occludes a broader social and historical inquiry. So, too, does our preoccupation with holding onto our professional legitimacy, staying viable in the marketplace, which tempts us in morally dubious directions and dampens our freedom to elaborate a more oppositional, or dissident, sensibility. Arguably the profession has a responsibility to make a contribution, practical and discursive, clinical and theoretical, to human rights and social justice. A contribution along these lines requires tremendous courage as we push back against the gains afforded by our conformity to the status quo. Copyright _ 2009 John Wiley & Sons, Ltd.
机译:与它的革命性开端相反,精神分析话语放弃了其作为当代生活中的关键性,持不同政见力量的潜力。在我们从事对社会负责的临床实践的工作中,必须将社会批判功能恢复到我们的专业职责,并且将这种批评应用于我们与共生组织社会和经济秩序的共生。在与人类主题的悲剧和深渊的亲密接触中,我们具有与更大的政治世界相处的关键,持不同政见和热烈情感的独特能力。我们对人类主观性的沉浸使对人类在现代生活中的经历的生动而深刻的看法成为可能,但我们对主观和个人的重视,以及我们难以超越二分法,将其视为人类苦难和人类改造的场所,从而遮盖了更广泛的社会。和历史查询。因此,我们对保持职业合法性,在市场上生存下去的关注也是如此,这会诱使我们向道德上可疑的方向发展,并削弱了我们制定更具对立或异议的敏感性的自由。可以说,该专业有责任为人权和社会正义做出实践和讨论,从临床和理论上作出贡献。沿着这些方向做出的贡献需要极大的勇气,因为我们要反对遵守现状所带来的收益。版权所有_ 2009 John Wiley&Sons,Ltd.



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