首页> 外文期刊>Ultrasound in Medicine and Biology >Artificial neural networks and spatial temporal contour linking for automated endocardial contour detection on echocardiograms: a novel approach to determine left ventricular contractile function.

Artificial neural networks and spatial temporal contour linking for automated endocardial contour detection on echocardiograms: a novel approach to determine left ventricular contractile function.


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This study investigated the use of artificial neural networks (ANN) for image segmentation and spatial temporal contour linking for the detection of endocardial contours on echocardiographic images. Using a backpropagation network, the system was trained with 279 sample regions obtained from eight training images to segment images into either tissue or blood pool region. The ANN system was then applied to parasternal short axis images of 38 patients. Spatial temporal contour linking was performed on the segmented images to extract endocardial boarders. Left ventricular areas (end-systolic and end-diastolic) determined with the automated system were calculated and compared to results obtained by manual contour tracing performed by two independent investigators. In addition, ejection fractions (EF) were derived using the area-length method and compared with radionuclide ventriculography. Image quality was classified as good in 12 (32%), moderate in 13 (34%) and poor in 13 (34%) patients. The ANN system provided estimates of end-diastolic and end-systolic areas in 36 (89%) of echocardiograms, which correlated well with those obtained by manual tracing (R = 0.99, SEE = 1.44). A good agreement was also found for the comparison of EF between the ANN system and Tc-radionuclide ventriculography (RNV, R = 0.93, SEE = 6.36). The ANN system also performed well in the subset of patients with poor image quality. Endocardial contour detection using artificial neural networks and spatial temporal contour linking allows accurate calculations of ventricular areas from transthoracic echocardiograms and performs well even in images with poor quality. This system could greatly enhance the feasibility, accuracy and reproducibility of calculating cardiac areas to derive left ventricular volumes and ejection fractions.
机译:这项研究调查了使用人工神经网络(ANN)进行图像分割和时空轮廓链接来检测超声心动图图像上的心内膜轮廓。使用反向传播网络,使用从八张训练图像获得的279个样本区域对系统进行了训练,以将图像分割为组织区域或血池区域。然后将ANN系统应用于38例胸骨旁短轴图像。在分割的图像上进行时空轮廓连接以提取心内膜边界。计算由自动系统确定的左心室面积(收缩末期和舒张末期),并将其与由两名独立研究者进行的手动轮廓追踪获得的结果进行比较。此外,射血分数(EF)使用面积长度方法得出,并与放射性核素心室描记法进行比较。图像质量分为12例(32%)为中,13例(34%)为中度,13例(34%)为差。 ANN系统提供了36个超声心动图(89%)的舒张末期和收缩末期面积的估计值,这些值与通过手动追踪获得的那些值具有很好的相关性(R = 0.99,SEE = 1.44)。在ANN系统和Tc-放射性核素心室描记法之间进行EF的比较也发现了一个很好的协议(RNV,R = 0.93,SEE = 6.36)。 ANN系统在图像质量较差的患者子集中也表现良好。使用人工神经网络和时空轮廓链接进行心内膜轮廓检测可以通过胸腔超声心动图准确计算心室面积,即使在图像质量较差的情况下也能表现良好。该系统可以大大提高计算心脏面积以得出左心室容积和射血分数的可行性,准确性和可重复性。



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