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Do We Have to Leave Obesity Treatment to the Surgeons?


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The comparison of the largest bariatric surgery study (Swedish Obese Subjects, SOS) with almost 4 000 surgical and conservatively treated patients and its conservative counterpart, the Look-AHEAD study (Action for Help in Diabetes) with more than 5 000 obese patients (aver-age BMI 36 kg/m(2)) with type 2 diabetes showed that although both studies resulted in improved cardiovascular risk factors (bodyweight, HbA1c, HDL/LDL, blood pressure, sleep apnoe syndrome) only the SOS study and subsequent obesity surgery studies could verify their primary outcome hypothesis (significant reduction of the incidence of both cardiovascular deaths, non-fatal infarctions and strokes and hospitalization angina). Furthermore the SOS study could demonstrate a decreased mortality compared to the Look-AHEAD study. Despite a high psychological co-morbidity of obesity surgery patients the majority of studies also with follow-ups of more than 5 years demonstrates an improvement in mental functioning and quality of life. In contrast, there seems to be an increased risk for suicide about 3-4 years after the surgical intervention. Thus, while the majority of obesity surgery patients seems to benefit both physically and mentally, there is a minority that risks to take at least psychologically serious damage.
机译:最大的减肥手术研究(瑞典肥胖受试者,SOS)与近4000名接受手术和保守治疗的患者及其保守患者的比较,Look-AHEAD研究(针对糖尿病的行动)与超过5000名肥胖患者(平均) 2型糖尿病的年龄BMI 36 kg / m(2))表明,尽管两项研究均改善了心血管危险因素(体重,HbA1c,HDL / LDL,血压,睡眠呼吸综合征),但仅SOS研究和随后的肥胖手术研究可以证实其主要结局假说(心血管死亡,非致命性梗塞和中风以及住院心绞痛的发生率显着降低)。此外,与Look-AHEAD研究相比,SOS研究可以证明死亡率降低。尽管肥胖症手术患者的心理共病率很高,但大多数随访5年以上的研究也显示出精神功能和生活质量的改善。相反,在手术干预后约3-4年,自杀的风险似乎增加了。因此,尽管大多数肥胖手术患者似乎在身心上都受益,但仍有少数人至少遭受心理上的严重伤害。



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