首页> 外文期刊>Psychosomatic Medicine: Journal of the American Psychosomatic Society >Dissociation between reactivity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary system to repeated psychosocial stress.

Dissociation between reactivity of the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal axis and the sympathetic-adrenal-medullary system to repeated psychosocial stress.


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OBJECTIVE: This study investigated endocrine and autonomic stress responses after repeated psychosocial stress. A first goal of the study was to investigate whether peripheral catecholamines and cardiovascular parameters would show similar or different habituation patterns after repeated stress. The second aim was to detect possible subgroups with regard to individual habituation patterns in the hypothalamus-pituitary-adrenal (HPA) axis and monitor their respective sympathetic stress responses. METHODS: Sixty-five healthy subjects (19-45 years), 38 men and 27 women, were exposed to the Trier Social Stress Test (TSST) three times with a 4-week interval between stress sessions. Adrenocorticotropic hormone (ACTH), plasma cortisol, salivary cortisol, epinephrine, norepinephrine, and heart rates were measures repeatedly before and after each stress exposure. RESULTS: All endocrine measures as well as heart rates increased significantly after each of the three stress sessions (F values >16.00, all p values <.01). Although salivary free cortisol, total plasma cortisol, ACTH, and heart rate stress responses showed a significant decrease across the three stress sessions (all F values > 5.8, p <.01), no such decrease could be observed for the levels of norepinephrine and epinephrine. A cluster analysis performed on the salivary free cortisol responses to all three stress sessions revealed two response groups consisting of 30 so-called "high responders" and 35 "low responders." The high responders also showed larger ACTH and total plasma cortisol responses compared with the low responders (all F values > 10.00, p <.01). No such differences between high and low responders could be observed with regard to catecholamine and heart rate responses. CONCLUSIONS: From these data we conclude that habituation to psychosocial stress seems to be specific for a given response system. Although HPA responses quickly habituate, the sympathetic nervous system shows rather uniform activation patterns with repeated exposure to psychosocial challenge.
机译:目的:本研究调查了反复社会心理压力后的内分泌和自主神经压力反应。这项研究的首要目标是研究在反复压力后,外周儿茶酚胺和心血管参数是否会显示出相似或不同的习惯模式。第二个目的是针对下丘脑-垂体-肾上腺(HPA)轴上的个体习惯模式检测可能的亚组,并监测它们各自的交感应激反应。方法:65名健康受试者(19-45岁),分别为38名男性和27名女性,进行了三次特里尔社会压力测试(TSST),两次压力测试之间间隔4周。每次应激暴露前后都要反复测量促肾上腺皮质激素(ACTH),血浆皮质醇,唾液皮质醇,肾上腺素,去甲肾上腺素和心率。结果:在三个压力会话中的每一个之后,所有内分泌指标以及心率均显着增加(F值> 16.00,所有p值<.01)。尽管唾液中游离皮质醇,血浆​​总皮质醇,促肾上腺皮质激素和心率应激反应在三个应激阶段均显着降低(所有F值均> 5.8,p <.01),但去甲肾上腺素和肾上腺素。对所有三个应激阶段的唾液游离皮质醇反应进行的聚类分析显示,有两个反应组,分别是30个所谓的“高反应者”和35个“低反应者”。与低应答者相比,高应答者还显示出更大的ACTH和总血浆皮质醇响应(所有F值> 10.00,p <.01)。在儿茶酚胺和心率反应方面,没有观察到高反应者和低反应者之间的这种差异。结论:从这些数据我们得出结论,习惯于心理心理压力似乎是给定响应系统所特有的。尽管HPA反应迅速适应,但是交感神经系统显示出相当均匀的激活模式,并反复暴露于社会心理挑战中。



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