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Solar signals in CMIP-5 simulations: effects of atmosphere-ocean coupling


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The surface response to the 11 year solar cycle is assessed in ensemble simulations of the twentieth century climate performed in the framework of the fifth phase of the Coupled Model Inter-Comparison Project (CMIP5). A lead/lag multiple linear regression analysis identifies a multi-model mean (MMM) global mean surface warming of about 0.07 K, lagging the solar cycle by 1-2 years on average. The anomalous warming penetrates to approximately the first 80-100 m depth in the ocean. Solar signals in the troposphere show a similar time lag of 1-2 years and the strongest MMM warming is simulated in the Tropics above 300 hPa. At the surface, the MMM response in a subset of models that show statistically significant global mean warming (CMIP5-SIG95) is characterized by an anomalous warming in the west equatorial Pacific Ocean and the Arctic, at 1-2 years after solar maximum. The Arctic warming is twice as strong as the global mean response and appears in the winter months only. The surface warming in the equatorial Pacific Ocean is related to dynamical/thermodynamical processes. Different increase rates of global mean precipitation and atmospheric water vapour in response to a warmer surface lead to a weaker Walker circulation and anomalous westerly winds over the equatorial Pacific in the years following the solar maximum. Owing to atmosphere-ocean coupling, the anomalous westerly winds cool the subsurface and warm the surface in the western equatorial Pacific by approximate to 0.14 K. The CMIP5-SIG95 MMM surface warming in the equatorial Pacific and Arctic is weak but qualitatively similar compared with solar signals in the HadCRUT4 dataset.
机译:在耦合模型间比较项目(CMIP5)的第五阶段框架内对20世纪气候进行整体模拟,评估了对11年太阳周期的表面响应。超前/滞后多元线性回归分析确定了约0.07 K的多模型平均(MMM)全球平均表面变暖,比太阳周期平均滞后1-2年。异常变暖渗透到海洋中大约第一个80-100 m的深度。对流层中的太阳信号显示出类似的1-2年时滞,在300 hPa以上的热带地区模拟了最强的MMM变暖。从表面上看,在具有统计意义的全球平均变暖(CMIP5-SIG95)的部分模型中,MMM响应的特征是太阳赤道后1-2年,赤道西太平洋和北极地区出现了异常变暖。北极变暖的强度是全球平均响应的两倍,仅在冬季才出现。赤道太平洋的表面变暖与动力/热动力过程有关。在日照最高的年份之后,赤道太平洋的全球平均降水和大气水蒸气对地表变暖的不同增长率导致了薄弱的沃克环流和西风异常。由于大气-海洋耦合,异常的西风使赤道西太平洋的海表层变冷并加热了约0.14K。赤道太平洋和北极的CMIP5-SIG95 MMM地表加热较弱,但在质量上与太阳相似HadCRUT4数据集中的信号。



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