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Relational Domain Switching: Interpersonal Insecurity Predicts the Strength and Number of Marketplace Relationships


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In this paper, the authors test a compensation model of interpersonal and marketplace relationships. Guided by an attachment theory perspective, the authors argue that reflecting on or experiencing insecure interpersonal relationships can induce consumers to seek surrogate relationship partners in the marketplace. This general prediction is supported by results from an experiment and two surveys. Specifically, results show that interpersonally anxious consumers report more and stronger brand relationships. Furthermore, interpersonally avoidant consumers report more and stronger brand relationships, as well as more numerous but weaker service relationships. These studies support the prediction that people employ marketplace solutions to offset deficiencies in their personal relationships. The paper concludes by contextualizing the results within research on loneliness and materialism. (C) 2016 Wiley Periodicals, Inc.
机译:在本文中,作者测试了人际关系和市场关系的补偿模型。作者坚持依恋理论的观点,认为反思或经历不安全的人际关系会诱使消费者在市场上寻找代理关系伙伴。一个实验和两次调查的结果支持了这种一般性的预测。具体而言,结果表明,人际关系焦虑的消费者报告了更多且更牢固的品牌关系。此外,避免人际交往的消费者报告说越来越多的品牌关系以及越来越多但较弱的服务关系。这些研究支持人们采用市场解决方案来弥补其人际关系缺陷的预测。本文通过对孤独与唯物主义研究中的研究结果进行情境化而得出结论。 (C)2016威利期刊公司



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