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Jones Fork still down: Elevated gas readings follow seal leak


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CONSOL Energy's Jones Fork mine is still down several days after a seal blew out, causing a precautionary evacuation. Keep in mind, though, that Jones Fork is a complex, and some five contract mines feed the prep plant, along with the main mine. So there is still mining activity. CONSOL has determined that there probably was some sort of small ignition or similar event in or around the mine that caused the seal to leak. It does not, however, appear to be a major concern. "We originally thought it might have just been a roof fall back in a gob area that had been sealed," a CONSOL official told U.S. Coal Review. "We didn't think there was any evidence of a fire."
机译:密封件炸毁后几天,CONSOL Energy的Jones Fork矿山仍处于关闭状态,导致了预防性疏散。但是请记住,Jones Fork是一个复杂的工厂,大约有五个合同矿和主要矿一起为准备工厂供料。因此,仍有采矿活动。 CONSOL已确定在矿井中或矿井附近可能发生某种小火花或类似事件,导致密封件泄漏。但是,这似乎不是主要问题。 CONSOL一位官员对《美国煤炭评论》说:“我们原本以为它可能只是在采空区的屋顶倒塌了。” “我们认为没有任何发生火灾的迹象。”



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