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Judge temporarily suspends Green Valley Coal mine permit


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Massey Energy must argue in court to preserve a permit to mine at Green Valley Coal in Nicholas County, WV. U.S. District Judge Joseph R. Goodwin ordered the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers to suspend temporarily the permit, potentially threatening the closure of two deep mines and a prep plant. The judge will hear arguments in the case this week from the Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition, which wants the Corps to be enjoined from issuing the permit, and from Massey. The permit would allow Massey to dispose of waste in a stream. The case is the latest in a long string of green-driven lawsuits against mountaintop mining and valley fills. The plaintiffs are challenging the Nationwide Permit process through which the Corps issues permits, though not frequently, these daze. Greens argue that permits should be assessed on an individual basis.
机译:Massey Energy必须在法庭上辩护,以保留在西弗吉尼亚州尼古拉斯县Green Valley Coal开采的许可证。美国地方法官约瑟夫·古德温(Joseph R.Goodwin)下令美国陆军工程兵团暂时中止许可证,有可能威胁到关闭两个深水雷和一个准备工厂。法官将在本周从俄亥俄河谷环境联盟(Ohio Valley Environmental Coalition)和梅西(Massey)听取有关此案的辩论。许可证将使梅西能够将废物分类处理。这是一连串针对山顶采矿和填谷的绿色环保诉讼中的最新一例。原告正在挑战“全国许可证”程序,通过该程序,军团虽然没有那么频繁地签发许可证,却发呆了。格林斯认为,许可证应根据个人情况进行评估。



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