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Legal aid gets QA help


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Organisations offering legal aid for the firs' time must demonstrate their dedication to QA. The Legal Services Commission, established in April 2000, supersedes the Legal Aid Board and has made QA mandatory for any solicitors applying for public funds. Steve Orchard, chief executive of the Commission, believes the QA element will greatly enhance the serviceTwelve years ago the then Lord Chancellor; Lord Mackay, had just steered the Legal Aid Act 1988 through Parliament. This allowed a new Legal Aid Board to assume administration of the legal aid scheme from the Law Society, which had run it since just after the last war. In a letter to the chairman of the shadow Board, Lord Mackay asked about ways in which not-for-profit agencies (such as the Citizens Advice Bureau) might be paid from the legal aid scheme to deliver advice to people with lower incomes, who are less likely to have a solicitor.
机译:在第一时间提供法律援助的组织必须表现出对质量保证的奉献精神。 2000年4月成立的法律服务委员会取代了法律援助委员会,并已对所有申请公共资金的律师强制执行质量保证。委员会首席执行官史蒂夫·奥查德(Steve Orchard)认为,质量保证元素将极大地增强服务质量。麦凯勋爵(Lord Mackay)刚刚通过议会指导了1988年《法律援助法》。这使新的法律援助委员会可以接管法律协会的法律援助计划,该计划自上次战争之后就一直运行。在给影子委员会主席的信中,麦凯勋爵(Lord Mackay)询问了如何通过法律援助计划向非营利性机构(如公民咨询局)付款,以向低收入人群提供咨询服务。不太可能有律师。



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