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quality goes to school


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St Mary's is a large all girls' secondary school of almost 1000 pupils in the age range 11-18 years. It is situated in the Creggan/Bogside area of Londonderry-an area at the heart of the Northern Ireland civil disturbances of the last 30 years. It is also one of the most deprived areas in Europe with very high unemployment levels. A recent report on the Creggan area, 'Children of Creggan', states: 'Fifty years on, the combined effects of endemic poverty, long term unemployment and years of political violence have taken their toll on the social, economic and physical fabric of the area.'Despite these many difficulties, we are determined to make our school a success. Being 'good' is not good enough for us. We want to make our school not only the best in Ireland or the UK-but world-class. Everything that we do at St Mary's is geared towards doing the best for the pupils (who are, in the language of the excellence model, our most important customers) is order to provide them with the best possible education.
机译:圣玛丽中学是一所大型女子中学,有将近1000名学生,年龄在11-18岁之间。它位于伦敦德里的Creggan / Bogside地区,该地区是过去30年来北爱尔兰内乱的中心。它也是欧洲失业最严重的地区之一,失业率很高。关于克雷根地区的最新报告“克雷根的孩子”指出:“五十年来,地方性贫困,长期失业和多年政治暴力的综合影响已经对克雷根地区的社会,经济和物质结构造成了损失。尽管有许多困难,我们决心使我们的学校取得成功。 “好”对我们来说还不够好。我们不仅要使我们的学校成为爱尔兰或英国最好的学校,还要使它成为世界一流的学校。我们在圣玛丽学院所做的一切工作都是为了为学生(以卓越模式的语言,我们最重要的客户)做到最好,目的是为他们提供最好的教育。



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