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time for DESIGN


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DfSS is a structured methodology which takes a close look at an organisation's existing processes and designs an optimal solution right for today's environment and customers. It is a structured way of working, which, if done well, will ensure any output is as close to perfect as possible. DfSS creates new processes and products that are designed for immediate six sigma capability. Significantly, the resulting improvements are in areas that are most valued by customers and process users. DfSS makes a direct connection between what is required and what is produced, at near perfect quality. This year, many organisations chose to implement six sigma and DfSS simultaneously, while accepting that some benefits could be achieved through improvements but that others would justify a more substantial redesign. This focus on business growth and development is what makes DfSS so exciting. It allows for the freedom to design a totally new way of doing business, rather than simply building on existing business processes.
机译:DfSS是一种结构化的方法,可以仔细查看组织的现有流程,并为当今的环境和客户设计最佳的解决方案。这是一种结构化的工作方式,如果做得好的话,将确保任何输出都尽可能接近完美。 DfSS创建了旨在立即达到6 sigma功能的新流程和产品。重要的是,由此产生的改进是在客户和流程用户最重视的领域。 DfSS以近乎完美的质量将需求与生产之间直接联系在一起。今年,许多组织选择同时实施六个sigma和DfSS,同时接受了可以通过改进实现某些好处,而另一些则需要进行更实质性的重新设计的理由。对业务增长和发展的关注使DfSS如此令人兴奋。它允许自由设计全新的经商方式,而不仅仅是在现有的业务流程上进行构建。



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