首页> 外文期刊>Chemicke Zvesti >Simulation of aerobic landfill in laboratory scale lysimeters — effectof aeration rate

Simulation of aerobic landfill in laboratory scale lysimeters — effectof aeration rate


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Aeration of municipal landfills contributes to the acceleration of organic matter degradation andto the decrease of pollutant emission into air, water, and soil. Biodegradation of organic matterpresent in municipal waste, deposited in a landfill, by microorganisms under anaerobic conditions isa slow process. The aim of the study was to carry out simulations of an aerobic landfill in lysimeters,to determine the influence of aeration rate on the degradation of organic matter present in landfills,and to formulate a mathematical model defining the changes of carbon content in leachate andin gas produced. In this work, simulation of aerobic landfill leachate degradation was carried outin laboratory scale lysimeters with the working volume of 15 L. The changes of BOD5, COD,and ammonium nitrogen concentration during aeration were similar for all aeration rates. Duringaeration, the BOD5 index decreased by 99.9 %, COD decreased by 95.1 %, and ammonium nitrogenconcentration by 93 %. The proposed kinetic model defines the processes of organic carbon contentchanges in simulated leachate and the quantity of carbon dioxide for aerobic landfill simulationquite well。



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