首页> 外文期刊>Publications of the Astronomical Society of the Pacific >Measuring the Atmospheric Influence on Differential Astrometry: A Simple Method Applied to Wide Field CCD Frames

Measuring the Atmospheric Influence on Differential Astrometry: A Simple Method Applied to Wide Field CCD Frames


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Sets of short exposure, guided CCD frames are used to measure the noise added by the atmosphere to differential astrometric observations. Large nightly variations that are correlated with the seeing have been found in the data obtained over 2 years at the KPNO and CTIO 0.9-meter telescopes. The rms noise added by the atmosphere, after a linear transformation of the raw x, y data, is found to be 3 to 7 mas, normalized to 100 seconds exposure time and a field of view of 20 arcminutes near the zenith. An additional nearly constant noise (base-level) of 8.5 mas = 0.012 pixel is found for the KPNO and 6.0 mas = 0.015 pixel for the CTIO telescope. This implies that a ground-based, all sky, astrometric survey from guided CCD frames is more likely limited by the base-level noise than by the atmosphere and could reach an accuracy better than 10 mas under good seeing conditions.
机译:短时间曝光的导向CCD框架组用于测量大气添加到差分天文观测的噪声。在KPNO和CTIO 0.9米望远镜两年来获得的数据中,发现了与观测相关的夜间大变化。在原始x,y数据进行线性转换后,大气添加的均方根噪声为3到7 mas,归一化为100秒的曝光时间,并且在天顶附近的视场为20弧分。对于KPNO,还发现了8.5 mas = 0.012像素的额外近乎恒定的噪声(基本水平),对于CTIO望远镜,发现了6.0 mas = 0.015像素。这意味着从制导的CCD框架进行的地面全天候天文测量更有可能受到基准面噪声的限制,而不是受到大气的限制,并且在良好的观察条件下,其精度可能会超过10 mas。



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