首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Neurobiology: An International Review Journal >Pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder; A necessary link between phenomenology, neuropsychology, imagery and physiology.

Pathophysiology of obsessive-compulsive disorder; A necessary link between phenomenology, neuropsychology, imagery and physiology.


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Obsessive-compulsive disorder (OCD) is characterized by repetitive intrusive thoughts and compulsive time-consuming behaviors classified into three to five distinct symptom dimensions including: (1) aggressive/somatic obsessions with checking compulsions; (2) contamination concerns with washing compulsions; (3) symmetry obsessions with counting/ordering compulsions; (4) hoarding obsessions with collecting compulsions; and (5) sexual/religious concerns. Phenomenologically, OCD could be thought of as the irruption of internal signals centered on the erroneous perception that "something is wrong" in a specific situation. This generates severe anxiety, leading to recurrent behaviors aimed at reducing the emotional tension. In this paper, we examine how the abnormalities in brain activity reported in OCD can be interpreted in the light of physiology after consideration of various approaches (phenomenology, neuropsychology, neuroimmunology and neuroimagery) that contribute to proposing the central role of several cortical and subcortical regions, especially the orbitofrontal cortex (OFC), the anterior cingulate cortex (ACC), the dorsolateral prefrontal cortex (DLPC), the head of the caudate nucleus and the thalamus. The OFC is involved in the significance attributed to the consequences of action, thereby subserving decision-making, whereas the ACC is particularly activated in situations in which there are conflicting options and a high likelihood of making an error. The DLPC plays a critical part in the cognitive processing of relevant information. This cortical information is then integrated by the caudate nucleus, which controls behavioral programs. A dysfunction of these networks at one or several stages will result in the emergence and maintenance of repetitive thoughts and characteristic OCD behavior.
机译:强迫症(OCD)的特征在于重复的侵入性思想和强迫性耗时行为,分为三到五个不同的症状维度,包括:(1)对强迫症的侵略性/躯体性痴迷; (2)洗涤强迫的污染问题; (3)对计数/排序强制的对称性迷恋; (4)迷恋收集强迫行为; (5)性/宗教问题。从现象学上讲,强迫症可以被认为是内部信号的爆发,集中在对特定情况下“某些事情是错误的”错误认识上。这产生了严重的焦虑,导致旨在减轻情绪紧张的反复行为。在本文中,我们研究了在考虑了有助于提出几个皮层和皮层下区域中心作用的各种方法(现象学,神经心理学,神经免疫学和神经影像学)后,如何根据生理学解释OCD中报告的脑活动异常。 ,尤其是眶额叶皮质(OFC),前扣带回皮质(ACC),背外侧前额叶皮质(DLPC),尾状核头部和丘脑。 OFC参与了归因于行动后果的重要性,从而有助于决策制定,而ACC特别是在存在相互冲突的选项且极有可能出错的情况下激活。 DLPC在相关信息的认知处理中起着至关重要的作用。然后,该皮质信息由尾状核整合,尾状核控制行为程序。这些网络在一个或几个阶段的功能失调将导致重复性思想和特征性强迫症行为的出现和维持。



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