首页> 外文期刊>Psychological science: a journal of the American Psychological Society >Social complexity can drive vocal complexity: Group size influences vocal information in Carolina chickadees

Social complexity can drive vocal complexity: Group size influences vocal information in Carolina chickadees


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One hypothesis to explain variation in vocal communication in animal species is that the complexity of the social group influences the group's vocal complexity. This social-complexity hypothesis for communication is also central to recent arguments regarding the origins of human language, but experimental tests of the hypothesis are lacking. This study investigated whether group size, a fundamental component of social complexity, influences the complexity of a call functioning in the social organization of Carolina chickadees, Poecile carolinensis. In unmanipulated field settings, calls of individuals in larger groups had greater complexity (more information) than calls of individuals in smaller groups. In aviary settings manipulating group size, individuals in larger groups used calls with greater complexity than individuals in smaller groups. These results indicate that social complexity can influence communicative complexity in this species.
机译:一种解释动物的声音交流变化的假说是,社会群体的复杂性会影响该群体的声音复杂性。这种用于交流的社会复杂性假设对于有关人类语言起源的最新争论也很重要,但缺乏对该假设的实验性检验。这项研究调查了群体大小(社会复杂性的基本组成部分)是否影响了卡罗来纳州山雀Poecile carolinensis的社会组织中呼叫功能的复杂性。在未操纵的现场设置中,与较小的组中的人员的呼叫相比,较大的组中的人员的呼叫具有更大的复杂性(更多信息)。在控制组规模的鸟舍环境中,较大组中的人员使用呼叫的复杂性高于较小组中的人员。这些结果表明,社会复杂性可以影响该物种的交流复杂性。



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