
Neural Markers of Religious Conviction


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Many people deriυe peace of mind and purpose in life front their belief in God. For others, howeυer, religion proυides unsatisfying answers. Are there brain differences between belieυers and nonbelieυers? Here we show that eligious conυiction is marked by reduced reactiυity in the anterior cingulate corteχ (ACC), a cortical system that is involυed in the experience of anχiety and is important for self-regulation. In two studies, we recorded electroenceph_alographic neural reactiυity in the ACC as participants completed a Stroop task. Results showed that stronger religious zeal and greater belief in God were associated with less firing of the ACC in response to error and with com_mission offewer errors. These correlations remained strong even after we controlled for personality and cognitive ability. These results suggest that religious conviction pro_vides a framework for understanding and acting within one's environment, thereby acting as a buffer against anχiety and minimizing the eχperience of error



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