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Vegetables: pious source of nutrients


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Vegetables are good source of roughages which promote digestion and helps to prevent constipation. In general, for a balanced diet the daily requirements of some of the essential nutrients like proteins, minerals and vitamins can be very well met, if one consumes 75 to 125 g green leafy vegetables, 85 g root and tubers and 85 g other vegetables everyday along with other diet. Vegetable play an important role in human nutrition. Vegetables form the most nutritive menu of man and tone up his energy and vigour. Vegetables are rich source of protective elements as vitamins, mineral, proteins and other chemical substances which are needed by our body for growth, reproduction and maintenance of health. The nutrients in the vegetables over-come the common disorders like anaemia, deficiency disorders and other ailments in human beings. Vegetables are good source of roughages which promote digestion and helps to prevent constipation. In general, for a balanced diet the daily requirements of some of the essential nutrients like proteins, minerals and vitamins can be very well met, if one consumes 75 to 125 g green leafy vegetables, 85 g root and tubers and 85 g other vegetables everyday along with other diet. But today is the need to get these nutrients free from any chemicals because vegetables are mostly over sprayed crops in these days. So every consumer looks with suspicion while purchasing them. So farmers are adivsed to go for only recommended practices regarding chemicals and follow waiting periodof these chemicals. By this consumer would trust and use the produce in large quantity and ultimately vegetable growers will be benefitted. The present day glut in the market of different vegetables is attributed to above said doubts to some extent specially in brinjal, cauliflower, bhindi and tomato. Now there are large number of consumers who are searching for non-sprayed Vegetables and are ready to pay even double price than prevailing price. Following points show how these nutrients in vegetables play their role in maintaining the health of humans.



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