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Controlled atmosphere storage of fruits and vegetables


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India produces 41.50 million tonnes fruits and 71.59 million tonnes vegetables per annum. Huge quantity of fruits and vegetables is stored and consumed in Punjab. The extent of losses go up to 30-50 per cent of the farm gate value of produce. The main cause of losses is lack of post-harvest infrastructure. Fresh fruits and vegetables respire. For respiration oxygen required is taken from atmosphere and Carbon dioxide and moistrue are given off in the surroundings. Heat is generated with the processof respiration. These physiological processes are accelerated with increase in temperature and shelf life of produce is decreased. The shelf life of fresh fruits and vegetables can be increased by slowing down rates of respiration and moisture loss. This can be achieved by increasing the concentration of carbon dioxide and lowering the concentration of oxygen in the surrounding atmosphere. The relative humidity has to be increased and temperature is lowered. This is accomplished by modified and controlled atmosphere (MA and CA) storage of fruits and vegetables. In the modified atmosphere packaging and storage the atmosphere is modified by the commodity itself by consuming oxygen and releasing the carbon dioxide in the storage atmosphere. The composition of gases is not monitored in MA storage while in the controlled atmosphere storage, the composition of gases in the storage atmosphere is precisely controlled by adding or removing the gases to avoid the undesirable physiological and storage disorders. Thus, by controlling the atmosphere with increased RH and lowered temperature, the shelf life of these highly perishable commodities call be extended more than the ordinary refrigerated storage.



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