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Baramasi Lemon-Best Choice for Kitchen Garden


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BARAMASI lemon and kagzi lime are important citrus fruits appreciated not only for their pleasing flavour but also for their excellent fruit qualities. These are good source of vitamin C and like other fruits also supply other vitamins (B and P), fruit acids, minerals and alkaline salts which are needed in diet as health promoting substances. Vitamin C deficiency leads to sucurvy, disorder of skin and tooth decay. While vitamin B, required for proper metabolism of carbohydrates diatribution of energyto nerve cell and optimal growth. Vttamin B, plays very important role as it carries oxygen to all tissues, particularly to cornea of eye. These fruits also have vitamin B6 which has a role in protein metabolism and help in absorption of poor-iron and elevate haemoglobin in the blood. That's why, the fruits are consumed daily in one or another form. Apart from their use as fresh fruit they arc also used for making pickles, squash, cordial etc. Their juice is used for making soft drinks. Out of these two, Baramasi lemon is well adapted to the climatic condition of Punjab. It is not only precocious but also prolefic and regular bearer. In dietary qualities, it matches with kagzilime. The later becomes very dearer during summer month and is usually out of reach of common people. So, at least one plant of Barumasi lemon must be planted in every home to fulfil the the requirement of the family.



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