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Managing paddy straw for sowing wheat


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Management of paddy straw in the combine harvested fields is a big problem. PAU has developed Happy Seeder that allow direct sowing of wheat using paddy residue as mulch. IN Punjab more than 90 per cent area under rice is harvested with combines. Cropresidue left in the combine harvested field is disposed off by complete/partial burning prior to land preparation for the next crop. Partial burning implies burning of the loose residue within 2-3 days rice harvesting that leaves partially burnt standing residue (45-55 per cent of the total residue). Complete burning involves shreading of the residue close to the ground surface with the help of stubble shaver followed by drying and then burning to the extent of 90-95%. According to an estimate in order to clear fields for wheat sowing 36% of combine harvested area in Punjab is being partially burnt, the remaining 55% is completely burnt.
机译:联合收割区的稻草管理是一个大问题。 PAU开发了“快乐播种机”,该播种机可以使用稻渣作为覆盖物直接播种小麦。在旁遮普邦,超过90%的稻米面积是用联合收割机收获的。留在联合收割机田中的cropresidue在准备下茬作物之前,先进行完全/部分燃烧处理。部分燃烧意味着在收获水稻的2-3天之内燃烧了松散的残留物,留下了部分燃烧的立式残留物(占总残留物的45%至55%)。完全燃烧包括在残茬剃须刀的帮助下,将残渣在靠近地面的范围内倒浆,然后干燥,然后燃烧至90-95%。据估计,为了清理麦田,旁遮普邦的联合收割机收割面积的36%被部分燃烧,其余55%被完全燃烧。



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