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Pesticide residues in crops produced in north-western Poland


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In 2011, 262 crop samples, originating from farms located in five voivodeships of north-western Poland, were tested for the presence of pesticide residues. Studies were conducting in framework of official control and included 23 products and 230 compounds. Several multi-residue methods based on gas chromatography and high performance liquid chromatography (GC-ECD/NPD, GC-MS/MS, HPLC-UV/PDA, LC-MS/MS) and one single-residue method based on spectrophotometric analysis were used for determination of pesticide residues. Totally, 26 compounds were detected in 29.0% of analysed samples. Exceedances of maximum residue levels (MRLs) were found in 0.4% of analysed samples, while the use of unapproved plant protection products in 4.2% of the samples. Pesticide residues were found mostly in samples of apples (84.6%), carrots (56.0%) and potatoes (50.0%). The frequency of their occurrence in the samples taken from individual voivodeships has differed from the average for the entire study area and ranged from 15.9-39.6%, and was the highest in food products from Kujawsko-pomorskie Voivodeship, while the lowest from Wielkopolskie Voivodeship.
机译:2011年,对来自波兰西北部五个省的农场中的262种农作物样品进行了农药残留检测。研究在官方控制的框架内进行,包括23种产品和230种化合物。分别采用了几种基于气相色谱和高效液相色谱的多残留方法(GC-ECD / NPD,GC-MS / MS,HPLC-UV / PDA,LC-MS / MS)和一种基于分光光度分析的单残留方法用于测定农药残留。总共在29.0%的分析样品中检测到26种化合物。在0.4%的分析样本中发现了最大残留量(MRL)的超过,而在4.2%的样本中使用了未经批准的植物保护产品。农药残留主要存在于苹果(84.6%),胡萝卜(56.0%)和土豆(50.0%)的样品中。从各个省抽样的样本中它们的出现频率与整个研究区域的平均值不同,范围为15.9-39.6%,在Kujawsko-pomorskie省的食品中最高,而Wielkopolskie省的食品中最低。



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