首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Plant Protection >Analysis of expression of GAPDH gene in Solanum lycopersicum L infected with Tomato torrodo virus (ToTV)

Analysis of expression of GAPDH gene in Solanum lycopersicum L infected with Tomato torrodo virus (ToTV)


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Real-time PCR (polymerase chain reaction) is a method commonly used for analysis of genes expression. However, accurate interpretation of real-time PCR results needs additional normalization step, where the expression level of analyzed gene is corrected to the actual amount of total RNA taken for the analysis. As a normalizer any gene can be used, provided its expression is stable during the experiment. GAPDH (glyceraldehyde 3-phosphate dehydrogenase) is one of candidates that might be used as a reference gene for normalization of real-time PCR. Here we indicated a high identity of GAPDH mRNA sequence isolated from ten varieties of tomato {Solanum lycopersicum). Moreover, we reported here, that expression of the gene was rather unstable in tomato during Tomato torrado virus infection (ToTV).
机译:实时PCR(聚合酶链反应)是通常用于分析基因表达的方法。但是,实时PCR结果的准确解释需要额外的标准化步骤,其中将分析基因的表达水平校正为用于分析的实际总RNA量。可以使用任何基因作为标准化基因,只要其在实验期间的表达稳定即可。 GAPDH(3-磷酸甘油醛脱氢酶)是可用作实时PCR标准化参考基因的候选基因之一。在这里,我们表明从十个品种的番茄中分离出的GAPDH mRNA序列具有很高的同一性。而且,我们在这里报道,在番茄龙卷风病毒感染(ToTV)期间,该基因的表达在番茄中相当不稳定。



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