首页> 外文期刊>Progress in Plant Protection >Effect of biological protection of flax on the decrease in occurrence of Fusarium wilt and yield quality.

Effect of biological protection of flax on the decrease in occurrence of Fusarium wilt and yield quality.


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Flax seeds of oil flax are a raw material for production of linseed oil that shows very high nutritional and curative properties and properties desirable in cosmetics. One of very dangerous flax diseases is Fusarium wilt caused by Fusarium fungi, mainly F. oxysporum f. sp. lini. With regard to growing use of flax as a plant with curative properties it seams desirable to develop a biological protection system against these diseases. The objective of the study was to determine the effect of several biological substances and preparations on reduction of Fusarium wilt occurrence in oil flax. The yield and its quality was also investigated. Three forms of chitosan were tested: acetate, microcrystalline and olygomeric represented by Bion 50 WG, Biosept 33 SL. Also biopreparations: Polyversum containing oospores of Pythium oligandrum, Cedomon and PSR containing Pseudomonas bacteria and EM-A containing a mixture of selected bacteria and fungi were tested. All these products were tested in comparison with a chemical seed dressing treatment Oxafun T 75 DS. Evaluation of the effect of tested substances on reduction of Fusarium wilt occurrence in oil flax was conducted based on laboratory, pot and field experiments in 2003-2005. The content of cyanogenic glucosides and cadmium was determined in seeds obtained from field experiment. Most of the tested biological substances products were used as seed dressing; only Bion 50 WG and Biosept 33 SL were used in the form of spray when flax was in seedling stage. All tested substances limited the occurrence of Fusarium wilt. Yield was clearly correlated with the occurrence of Fusarium wilt.
机译:油亚麻籽是生产亚麻籽油的原料,亚麻籽油显示出很高的营养和治愈性能以及化妆品中所需的性能。最危险的亚麻病之一是镰刀菌真菌(主要是 F)引起的枯萎病。 oxysporum sp。 lini 。关于亚麻作为具有治疗特性的植物的日益使用,希望开发出针对这些疾病的生物保护系统。这项研究的目的是确定几种生物物质和制剂对减少亚麻中枯萎病的影响。还研究了产量及其质量。测试了三种形式的壳聚糖:醋酸盐,微晶和寡聚体,以Bion 50 WG,Biosept 33 SL代表。还进行了生物制剂:测试了含有腐殖质的孢子的Polyversum,含有假单胞菌的Cedomon和PSR,以及含有所选细菌和真菌混合物的EM-A。所有这些产品均与化学拌种处理Oxafun T 75 DS进行了比较。根据2003-2005年的实验室,盆栽和田间试验,对受试物质对减少亚麻中枯萎病的效果进行了评估。测定从田间试验获得的种子中氰基葡萄糖苷和镉的含量。大多数经测试的生物物质产品均用作拌种;当亚麻处于苗期时,仅以喷雾形式使用Bion 50 WG和Biosept 33 SL。所有测试的物质都限制了枯萎枯萎的发生。产量与枯萎病枯萎的发生明显相关。



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