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Search engines and their search strategies: The effective use by Indian academics


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The purpose of this paper is to examine the use of various search engines and meta search engines by Indian academics for retrieving information on the web. It also aims to know whether the academics use search strategy of various search engines for retrieval of information or not, and how the Indian academics learn the various search strategies for using search engines. Design/methodology/approach: The data collection instruments used for this study were a questionnaire and follow-up interviews with students and faculty members. The questionnaire consisted of various questions which were designed to elicit the use of search engines, search strategies and method of leaning the search strategies of search engines. A total of 450 questionnaires were distributed, out of which 300 duly filled copies were returned, constituting a 66.66 percent response rate. The data thus collected were analysed with the help of the SPSS (version 19.0) statistical package to present the findings in percentage and test the formulated hypothesis. Findings: The findings of the survey show that the majority of the respondents most frequently used Google (91.93 percent) and Yahoo (43.85 percent) while Dogpile and Ixquick (35.78 percent each) were less frequently used by the respondents. 65.26 percent of respondents used the search strategy for retrieving information. The study also shows that there is a significant relationship between the respondent's profession and use of search engines (p=0.018) as well use search strategies of search engines (p=0.028). Method of learning the search strategies of search engines is also associated with the respondent's profession (p=0.008). Originality/value: The results of this study have clear implications for information literacy instruction in the context of search engines. The study recommends that there is a need to conduct intensive training for students and faculty members in order for them to acquire the essential search strategies for effective information retrieval. The findings of the study will be helpful to concerned authorities to enhance the effective and efficient use of search engines by the respondents.
机译:本文的目的是研究印度学者对各种搜索引擎和元搜索引擎在网络上检索信息的使用。它还旨在了解学者是否使用各种搜索引擎的搜索策略来检索信息,以及印度学者如何学习使用搜索引擎的各种搜索策略。设计/方法/方法:用于本研究的数据收集工具是问卷调查表以及对学生和教职员工的后续访谈。问卷由旨在提倡使用搜索引擎,搜索策略和倾斜搜索引擎搜索策略的方法的各种问题组成。总共分发了450份问卷,其中300份已填妥,已送回,构成了66.66%的答复率。借助于SPSS(19.0版)统计软件包对收集到的数据进行分析,以百分比形式显示调查结果并检验所提出的假设。调查结果:调查结果显示,大多数受访者最常使用Google(91.93%)和Yahoo(43.85%),而Dogpile和Ixquick(分别为35.78%)的受访者使用率较低。 65.26%的受访者使用搜索策略来检索信息。该研究还表明,受访者的职业与搜索引擎的使用(p = 0.018)以及搜索引擎的使用搜索策略(p = 0.028)之间存在显着的关系。学习搜索引擎搜索策略的方法也与受访者的职业相关(p = 0.008)。原创性/价值:这项研究的结果对搜索引擎中的信息素养教学具有明显的启示。该研究建议,有必要对学生和教职员工进行深入培训,以使他们获得有效检索信息的基本搜索策略。该研究的结果将有助于有关当局提高受访者对搜索引擎的有效利用。



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