首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the London Mathematical Society >Hyperbolic entire functions with full hyperbolic dimension and approximation by Eremenko–Lyubich functions

Hyperbolic entire functions with full hyperbolic dimension and approximation by Eremenko–Lyubich functions


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We show that there exists a hyperbolic entire function f of finite order of growth such that the hyperbolic dimension, that is, the Hausdorff dimension of the set of points in the Julia set of f whose orbit is bounded, is equal to 2. This is in contrast to the rational case, where the Julia set of a hyperbolic map must have Hausdorff dimension less than 2, and to the case of all known explicit hyperbolic entire functions. In order to obtain this example, we prove a general result on constructing entire functions in the Eremenko–Lyubich class B with prescribed behavior near infinity, using Cauchy integrals. This result significantly increases the class of functions that were previously known to be approximable in this manner. Furthermore, we show that the approximating functions are quasiconformally conjugate to their original models, which simplifies the construction of dynamical counterexamples. We also give some further applications of our results to transcendental dynamics.
机译:我们表明存在一个有限增长阶的双曲整体函数f,使得双曲维,即在朱莉亚集合f中其点为有界的点的集合的Hausdorff维等于2。这是与有理情况相反,在有理情况下,双曲图的Julia集必须具有小于2的Hausdorff维数,并且与所有已知的显式双曲完整函数的情况相反。为了获得该示例,我们证明了使用Cauchy积分构造具有规定无穷大行为的Eremenko–Lyubich B类中的整个函数的一般结果。该结果显着增加了以前已知以这种方式可近似的功能类别。此外,我们证明了逼近函数与其原始模型是准共形的,从而简化了动态反例的构造。我们还将我们的结果进一步应用于超验动力学。



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