首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Prehistoric Society >Making a Point: a Critical Review of the Barbed Point Manufacturing Process Practised at Star Carr

Making a Point: a Critical Review of the Barbed Point Manufacturing Process Practised at Star Carr

机译:提出要点:对Star Carr实施的带刺铁丝网制造工艺的严格审查

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Star Carr, North Yorkshire, has the largest deposition of Mesolithic antler barbed points in the country; in fact it accounts for roughly 97% of all Early Mesolithic barbed points known in Britain. There has been much debate about whether barbed point manufacture occurred at the site or elsewhere within the landscape but the process of manufacturing has never been examined in great detail. This paper presents a new evaluation based on analysis of museum collections, recent excavations and experimental work and concludes that there is evidence to suggest that the full manufacturing process took place at Star Carr.
机译:北约克郡的星际卡尔(Star Carr)拥有该国中石器时代的鹿角铁刺点最多的地区;实际上,它约占英国已知的所有早期中石器时代带刺点的97%。关于刺点式制造是在现场还是在景观中的其他地方进行了很多辩论,但是从未详细研究过制造过程。本文基于对博物馆藏品,近期发掘和实验工作的分析,提出了一种新的评估方法,并得出结论,有证据表明整个制造过程都发生在Star Carr。



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