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Apparent electrical conductivity in dry versus wet soil conditions in a shallow soil


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The general objective of this study was to evaluate the stability of patterns of apparent soil electrical conductivity (ECa) in dry versus wet soil conditions in a shallow soil typically used for pastures in Mediterranean conditions of the southern region of Portugal. A 6 ha experimental field of permanent bio-diverse pasture was divided into 76 squares of 28 x 28 m. The soil electrical conductivity was measured using a Dualem 1S sensor under dry conditions (June 2007) and under wet conditions during the rainy season (March 2010). Soil samples, geo-referenced with GPS, were collected in a depth range of 0-0.30 m. The soil was characterized in terms of bedrock depth, moisture content, texture, pH, organic matter content, and macronutrients (nitrogen, phosphorus, and potassium). Pasture samples, also geo-referenced with GPS, were collected to measure the pasture dry matter yield. The statistical analysis of apparent electrical conductivity between dry and wet soil conditions resulted in a linear significant correlation coefficient (R = 0.88). The results also showed a significant correlation between apparent electrical conductivity and the relative field elevation (R = -0.64 and R = -0.66), the pasture dry matter yield (R = 0.42 and R = 0.48), the bedrock depth (R = 0.40 and R = 0.27), the pH (R = 0.50 and R = 0.49), the silt (R = 0.27 and R = 0.38) and soil moisture content (R = 0.48 and R = 0.45), in dry and wet conditions, respectively. A multi-variate regression was carried out using the following soil parameters that showed significant correlation with ECa and that did not present multi-collinearity: pH, bedrock depth, silt and moisture content. The results showed, in dry and wet conditions, that the analysis was significant (R = 0.75 and R = 0.84, respectively). Overall, these results indicate the temporal stability of ECa patterns under different soil moisture contents, which is relevant with respect to the time when a field should be surveyed and is important for using the electrical conductivity sensor, as a decision support tool for management zones in precision agriculture.
机译:这项研究的总体目标是评估葡萄牙南部地区通常用于牧场的浅层土壤中干湿土壤条件下表观土壤电导率(ECa)模式的稳定性。占地6公顷的永久性生物多样化牧场实验场被分成28 x 28 m的76个正方形。在干旱条件下(2007年6月)和雨季潮湿条件下(2010年3月),使用Dualem 1S传感器测量土壤电导率。用GPS地理参考的土壤样品在0-0.30 m的深度范围内收集。根据基岩深度,水分含量,质地,pH,有机质含量和大量养分(氮,磷和钾)来表征土壤。收集了也经过GPS地理定位的牧场样品,以测量牧场干物质的产量。对干湿土壤条件之间表观电导率的统计分析得出线性显着的相关系数(R = 0.88)。结果还显示表观电导率与相对场高(R = -0.64和R = -0.66),牧场干物质产量(R = 0.42和R = 0.48),基岩深度(R = 0.40)之间存在显着相关性和R = 0.27),pH(R = 0.50和R = 0.49),淤泥(R = 0.27和R = 0.38)和土壤含水量(R = 0.48和R = 0.45),分别在干燥和潮湿条件下。使用以下土壤参数进行多元回归,这些参数显示出与ECa显着相关,并且没有呈现多重共线性:pH,基岩深度,淤泥和水分含量。结果表明,在干燥和潮湿条件下,该分析均有效(分别为R = 0.75和R = 0.84)。总体而言,这些结果表明在不同土壤水分含量下ECa模式的时间稳定性,这与应调查田地的时间有关,对于使用电导率传感器作为土壤管理区的决策支持工具非常重要。精密农业。



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