首页> 外文期刊>Proceedings of the Geologists' Association >An enhanced record of MIS 9 environments, Geochronology and geoarchaeology: Data from construction of the High Speed 1 (London-Channel Tunnel) rail-link and other recent investigations at Purfleet, Essex, UK

An enhanced record of MIS 9 environments, Geochronology and geoarchaeology: Data from construction of the High Speed 1 (London-Channel Tunnel) rail-link and other recent investigations at Purfleet, Essex, UK

机译:MIS 9环境,地质年代和地质考古学的增强记录:来自英国埃塞克斯郡Purfleet的高速1(伦敦海峡隧道)铁路连接线建设数据和其他近期调查



New data from the complex Lower Thames locality at Purfleet, Essex, reinforce the correlation of interglacial deposits there with Marine Isotope Stage (MIS) 9, the second of four post-Anglian (MIS 12) interglacials recorded in the river-terrace sequence east of London. Arising from various developer-funded archaeologically driven projects, and primarily the construction of 'High Speed 1' (HS1: formerly the Channel Tunnel Rail Link), the new evidence includes additions to palaeontological knowledge of this interglacial, notably from ostracods and vertebrates, results from isotopic analyses of shell and concretionary carbonates, and the first application of numerical dating techniques at Purfleet. These analyses, combined with palaeotemperature estimates from the Mutual Ostracod Temperate Range method, confirm that deposition of the fossiliferous deposits coincided with interglacial conditions, with similar-to- or warmer-than-present summer temperatures and colder winters, providing a suggestion of greater continentality. OSL and amino-acid racemisation support correlation of the interglacial with MIS 9, whereas the climatic and sedimentological evidence points to correlation with the earliest and warmest substage (MIS 9e). There is also evidence that a greater part of the Purfleet sequence might date from the interglacial, although whether these also represent MIS 9e or later parts of the complex stage cannot be determined. The additional archaeological material is consistent with previous interpretations of a tripartite stratigraphical sequence of lithic traditions: basal Clactonian, above which is Acheulian (handaxe manufacture), followed by one of the earliest British appearances of Levallois technique. However, given the revised interpretation of the climatic affinity of the upper parts of the sequence, Levallois technique might have been used at Purfleet before the end of MIS 9.
机译:来自埃塞克斯郡Purfleet复杂的下泰晤士河地区的新数据加强了那里的冰间沉积与海洋同位素阶段(MIS)9的相关性,这是在埃塞克斯以东的河阶序列中记录的四个安吉利斯后(MIS 12)冰间期中的第二个。伦敦。来自各种开发商资助的考古驱动项目,主要是“ High Speed 1”(HS1:以前是海峡隧道铁路连接线)的建设,新证据包括对这种冰川间的古生物学知识的补充,特别是来自成龙和脊椎动物的结果从壳和固结碳酸盐的同位素分析中提取,以及在Purfleet中首次应用数字测年技术。这些分析,再加上互惠的兽类温带范围方法的古温度估计,证实了化石沉积物的沉积与冰期条件相吻合,夏季温度与现在相似或比现在温暖,冬季更冷,这暗示了更大的大陆性。 OSL和氨基酸消旋作用支持冰川间层与MIS 9的相关性,而气候和沉积学证据则表明与最早和最温暖的子阶段(MIS 9e)的相关性。还有证据表明,Purfleet序列的很大一部分可能来自冰间期,尽管尚不能确定它们是否也代表MIS 9e或复杂阶段的后期。额外的考古材料与以前对石器传统的三方地层序列的解释是一致的:基础的克拉通岩体,其上是阿彻勒(手斧制造),其次是英国最早的勒瓦卢瓦技术出现之一。但是,鉴于对序列上部气候亲和力的修订解释,在MIS 9结束之前,Purfleet可能已经使用了勒瓦卢瓦技术。



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