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Sorbus portae-bohemicae and Sorbus albensis, two new endemic apomictic species recognized based on a revision of Sorbus bohemica

机译:Sorbus portae-bohemicae和Sorbus albensis,两个新的地方性无融合生殖物种,基于对Sorbus bohemica的修订而被认可

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Two new apomictic triploid (2n = 3x = 51) species from the Sorbus latifolia group, S. portae bohemicae M. Lepsi, P. Lepsi, P. Vit et K. Boublik and S. albensis M. Lepsi, K. Boublik, P. Lepsi et P. Vit, putative hybridogenous species originated from a cross between S. danubialis and S. torminalis, are distinguished and described based on a taxonomic and chorological revision of Sot-bus bohemica (a hybridogenous triploid species from the same parental combination). A number of contemporary biosystematic techniques. including molecular (nuclear microsatellite markers), karyological (chromosome counts, DAPI flow cytometry) and multivariate and geometric morphometrics were used to assess the variation of the species and justify their independent taxonomic status. All three species occur sympatrically in the Ceske stredohori Mts (NW Bohemia). Sorbus bohemica is recorded from 31 localities, based on a revision of herbarium vouchers and field research. Recent field studies failed to verify five of these localities. Sorbus portae-bohemicae is a stenoendemic in the Porta bohemica gorge (situated ca 7 km WNW of Litomerice) where it grows in open oak forests (Luzulo-Quercetum and transition vegetation type to Melampyro nemorosi-Carpinetum) on ENE-facing slopes and rocks. The only known population of S. portae-bohemicae consists of 14 adult individuals. Sorbus albensis occurs at 12 localities W to NW of Litomerice. The total number of individuals is estimated at 600. Most are in acidophilous oak forests (Luzulo-Quercetum and its mesic derivatives), scree forests (Aceri-Carpinetum) or shrubby slopes (Pruno-Ligustretum, Antherico-Coryletum). Populations of the new taxa show little genetic variation and are phenotypically homogenous and well separated from other Bohemian hybridogenous Sorbus species. A distribution map of the three species is provided. Photographs of the type specimens and in situ fructiferous individuals of the new species are presented.
机译:山梨组的两个新的无融合生殖三倍体(2n = 3x = 51),波希米氏菌M. Lepsi,P。Lepsi,P。Vit et K.Boublik和S. albensis M. Lepsi,K。Boublik,P 。Lepsi et al。Vit是源自苏丹红链霉菌和Tornalis杂交的推定杂种,根据Sot-bus bohemica(来自同一亲本组合的杂种三倍体物种)的分类学和经学修订对其进行了描述和描述。 。许多当代生物系统技术。包括分子(核微卫星标记),核动力学(染色体计数,DAPI流式细胞术)以及多变量和几何形态计量学在内的研究用来评估物种的变异并证明其独立的分类学地位。所有这三种物种都同伴生在捷克西北部的Ceske stredohori山。根据对植物标本室凭证的修订和现场研究,记录了来自31个地区的山梨花hem。最近的实地研究未能验证其中五个地点。 Sorbus portae-bohemicae是Porta bohemica峡谷(位于Litomerice西北7公里处)的一个狭窄地方病种,生长在开放的橡树林(Luzulo-Quercetum,过渡植被类型为Melampyro nemorosi-Carpinetum)上,面向ENE。猪链球菌的唯一已知种群是14个成年个体。山梨花出现在Litomerice的W到NW的12个地区。估计总人数为600。大多数人在嗜酸的橡树林(Luzulo-Quercetum及其中生衍生物),碎石林(Aceri-Carpinetum)或灌木丛的斜坡(Pruno-Ligustretum,Antherico-Coryletum)中。新的分类单元的种群显示很少的遗传变异,并且在表型上是同质的,并且与其他波希米亚杂种花well物种很好地分开。提供了这三个物种的分布图。呈现了新物种的类型标本和原位果肉个体的照片。



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