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Possible routes of introduction of bluetongue virus serotype 8 into the epicentre of the 2006 epidemic in north-western Europe


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In August 2006, bluetongue (BT) was notified in The Netherlands on several animal holdings. This was the onset of a rapidly spreading BT-epidemic in north-western Europe (latitude >51pN) that affected cattle and sheep holdings in The Netherlands, Belgium, Germany, France and Luxembourg. The outbreaks were caused by bluetongue virus (BTV) serotype 8, which had not been identified in the European Union before. Bluetongue virus can be introduced into a free area by movement of infected ruminants, infected midges or by infected semen and embryos. In this study, information on animal movements or transfer of ruminant germ plasms (semen and embryos) into the Area of First Infection (AFI), which occurred before and during the onset of the epidemic, were investigated in order to establish the conditions for the introduction of this virus. All inbound transfers of domestic or wild ruminants, non-susceptible mammal species and ruminant germ plasms into the AFI during the high-risk period (HRP), registered by the Trade Control and Expert System (TRACES) of the EC, were obtained. Imports originating from countries with a known or suspected history of BTV-incidence of any serotype were identified. The list of countries with a reported history of BTV incidence was obtained from the OIE Handistatus II for the period from 1996 until 2004. No ruminants were imported from a Member State (MS) with a known history of BTV-8 or from any other country with a known or suspected history of BTV incidence of any serotype. Of all non-susceptible mammal species only 233 horses were transported directly into the AFI during the HRP. No importations of semen or embryos into the AFI were registered in TRACES during the period of interest. An obvious source for the introduction of BTV-8, such as import of infected ruminants, could not be identified and the exact origin and route of the introduction of BTV-8 thus far remains unknown. However, the absence of legal import of ruminants from outside the EU into the AFI and the absence of BTV-8 in southern Europe suggest that, the introduction of the BTV-8 infection into the north-western part of Europe took place via another route. Specifically, in relation to this, the potential for Culicoides to be imported along with or independently of the import of animals, plants or other 'materials', and the effectiveness of measures to reduce such a possibility, merit further study.
机译:2006年8月,bluetongue(BT)在荷兰被告知了几种动物的饲养情况。这是西北欧快速蔓延的BT流行病的开始(纬度> 51pN),影响了荷兰,比利时,德国,法国和卢森堡的牛和羊。暴发是由蓝舌病毒(BTV)血清型8引起的,该病毒以前在欧盟中尚未发现。蓝舌病病毒可以通过被感染的反刍动物,被感染的蚊子或被精液和胚胎感染而被转移到一个自由区域。在这项研究中,调查了有关动物运动或反刍动物种质(精液和胚胎)进入流行病之前和期间的首次感染区域(AFI)的信息,以便确定该病的发病条件。该病毒的引入。已获得欧共体贸易控制和专家系统(TRACES)注册的在高风险期(HRP)的所有国内或野生反刍动物,非易感哺乳动物物种和反刍动物种质到AFI的所有入库转移。确定了来自具有任何血清型BTV发病史的已知或怀疑国家的进口。从1996年至2004年期间的OIE Handistatus II获得了报告有BTV发生史的国家列表。没有从已知BTV-8历史的成员国(MS)或任何其他国家进口反刍动物。具有任何血清型BTV发病史的已知或可疑历史。在HRP期间,在所有非易感哺乳动物中,只有233匹马被直接运输到AFI中。在感兴趣的期间,TRACES中没有注册到AFI的精液或胚胎进口。目前尚无法确定引入BTV-8的明显来源,例如进口受感染的反刍动物,迄今仍不清楚引入BTV-8的确切来源和途径。但是,由于反刍动物没有从欧盟以外的国家合法进口到AFI中,而在南欧也没有BTV-8,这表明将BTV-8感染引入欧洲西北部是通过另一条途径进行的。 。具体而言,与此相关的是,与野生动植物或其他“材料”的进口同时或独立地进口库里科尼德斯的可能性,以及减少这种可能性的措施的有效性,值得进一步研究。



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