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Religious preference, church activity, and physical exercise.


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BACKGROUND: Utah has the highest percentage of physically active adults in the United States. It also has a high percentage of religiously active people. About 90% of the adult population has a religious preference and 62% of those individuals attend church weekly. This study evaluates the relationship between religious preference, church attendance, and physical activity. METHODS: Analysis is based on 6,188 adult respondents ages 18 years and older to a cross-sectional random telephone survey involving 12 health districts in the state of Utah from June 1 to August 31, 1996. RESULTS: Within religious groups, those attending church weekly were more likely to exercise than individuals attending church less than weekly. About 70% of Utah consists of members of the Church of Jesus Christ of Latter-day Saints (LDS). LDS attending church less than weekly were least physically active in Utah. The percentages of those exercising vigorously at least 20 min three times per week were 52.3% (LDS who attend church weekly), 44.5% (LDS who attend church less than weekly), 57.6% (non-LDS who attend church weekly), 54.3% (non-LDS who attend church less than weekly), and 53.1% (no religious preference) (P = 0.0070). When adjustment was made for age, smoking status, education, marital status, and general health, differences in exercise between church activity levels within religious groups became insignificant. Smoking and general health have the greatest influences on the relationship between religious preference, church attendance, and exercise. LDS were significantly less physically active than non-LDS in the adjusted model. CONCLUSIONS: Although differential smoking levels and general health status explained differences between church activity levels within religious groups, lower levels of exercise among LDS versus non-LDS could not be explained and require further study. Copyright 2001 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.
机译:背景:在美国,犹他州的体育锻炼成年人比例最高。它还有很多积极从事宗教活动的人。大约90%的成年人口有宗教信仰,其中62%的人每周参加一次教堂。这项研究评估了宗教偏爱,教堂出勤和体育锻炼之间的关系。方法:该分析是基于1996年6月1日至8月31日在犹他州的12个健康区进行的横断面随机电话调查,对年龄在18岁以上的6188名成年受访者进行了分析。结果:在宗教团体中,那些每周参加教堂活动的人比每周参加教堂活动的人更有可能锻炼身体。犹他州约70%的成员为耶稣基督后期圣徒教会(LDS)的成员。 LDS参加教堂的时间少于每周一次,在犹他州的体育活动最少。每周至少进行20次剧烈运动的人的百分比,分别为52.3%(每周参加教堂的LDS),44.5%(每周不到教堂的LDS),57.6%(每周参加教堂的非LDS),54.3 %(非LDS参加教堂的时间少于每周)和53.1%(无宗教偏好)(P = 0.0070)。当对年龄,吸烟状况,教育程度,婚姻状况和一般健康状况进行调整时,宗教团体内部教会活动水平之间的锻炼差异变得微不足道。吸烟和整体健康对宗教偏好,参加教堂和锻炼之间的关系影响最大。在调整后的模型中,LDS的生理活性明显低于非LDS。结论:尽管差异吸烟水平和总体健康状况解释了宗教团体内教会活动水平之间的差异,但无法解释LDS与非LDS之间较低的运动水平,需要进一步研究。版权所有2001美国健康基金会和学术出版社。



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