首页> 外文期刊>Preventive Medicine: An International Journal Devoted to Practice and Theory >International quit and win 1996: standardized evaluation in selected campaign countries.

International quit and win 1996: standardized evaluation in selected campaign countries.


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BACKGROUND: Quit and Win '96 recruited 70,000 smokers in 25 countries. The participants tried to abstain from smoking for at least 4 weeks. All participating countries followed the jointly agreed rules. Half of the countries implemented the campaign nationally and half, regionally. METHODS: A 1-year follow-up study was conducted in the participating countries. The aim of this study was to provide a standardized evaluation based on data from eight European campaign sites. Three measures were used to evaluate the effectiveness of the campaigns. The first measure was the participation rate, which is the proportion of participants among the smoking population targeted in each site. The second measure was a cautious estimate for the continuous 1-year abstinence rate, which is the proportion of abstainers among the follow-up sample regarding all non-respondents as relapsed. Third was the measure of the population impact, which is the efficacy of the intervention multiplied by its reach, where the efficacy equals the abstinence rate and the reach equals the participation rate. RESULTS: The participation rates varied from 0.1 to 2%, being highest in North Karelia, Finland, and Pitka;auranta, Russia. The abstinence rates varied from 12 to 35%, being highest in Hungary, Ukraine, and Russia, where the prevalence of smoking is also relatively high. The population impacts varied from 0.02 to 0.5%, being highest in Pitka;auranta, where both the reach and the efficacy of the Quit and Win were relatively high. CONCLUSIONS: There was great variation in effectiveness, with population impact being affected more by participation rate than abstinence rate. Quit and Win contests are feasible interventions in diverse European populations. To improve the effectiveness, future campaigns should increase the reach of the intervention. Copyright 2000 American Health Foundation and Academic Press.
机译:背景:Quit and Win '96在25个国家/地区招募了70,000名吸烟者。参与者试图戒烟至少4周。所有参加国均遵守共同商定的规则。一半的国家/地区在全国范围内实施了该运动。方法:在参与国进行了为期一年的随访研究。这项研究的目的是根据来自八个欧洲运动场的数据进行标准化评估。使用了三种措施来评估运动的有效性。第一个指标是参与率,即每个站点所针对吸烟人群中参与者的比例。第二项措施是对连续1年戒断率的谨慎估计,即在随访样本中所有未答复者复发的弃权率。第三是衡量人口影响的方法,即干预措施的功效乘以其覆盖范围,其中功效等于戒断率,覆盖范围等于参与率。结果:参与率从0.1%到2%不等,在芬兰的北卡累利阿和俄罗斯的皮特卡最高。戒酒率从12%到35%不等,在匈牙利,乌克兰和俄罗斯最高,那里的吸烟率也相对较高。人口影响从0.02%到0.5%不等,在Pitka; auranta最高,那里的Quit和Win的覆盖面和功效都相对较高。结论:有效性差异很大,参与率而不是节制率对人口的影响更大。退出比赛和胜利比赛是在欧洲不同人群中可行的干预措施。为了提高有效性,未来的运动应扩大干预的范围。版权所有2000美国健康基金会和学术出版社。



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