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Heidelberg Eurobind Pro: This machine has enabled GPS Colour Graphics to reduce costs, accelerate turnarounds and control jobs from start to finish

机译:海德堡Eurobind Pro:这台机器启用了GPS彩色图形系统,以降低成本,加快周转速度并从头到尾控制工作

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A lot has happened at GPS Colour Graphics since Joseph Smith founded the business at 34 High Street, Belfast, back in 1797. The company has passed through the hands of several different families, been destroyed by fire and rebuilt, seen the introduction of mechanised typesetting and, more recently, achieved a fair few technological coups, such as owning the longest Xerox CP1000 in the UK and the world's fourth MBOSRAO folder.
机译:自从约瑟夫·史密斯(Joseph Smith)于1797年在贝尔法斯特高街34号创立公司以来,GPS彩色图形公司发生了很多事情。该公司已经过了几个不同家庭的掌控,被大火烧毁并重建,见证了机械排版的引入并且最近还取得了很少的技术突破,例如拥有英国最长的Xerox CP1000和世界第四的MBOSRAO文件夹。



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